Mike Hunter said:Does that mean it will be OK to buy Toyotas that are made in China.
Surely you don't think Toyotas will still continue assemble their cars in
the US of imported parts when the can make them so much cheaper in China
with those same parts do you.
....damn fine point...cheaper to send the parts to china...than in USA...
then consumers are charged premium sticker prices...
....**** all that air-pollution devices they stuff upon the
autos...ethenol is the answer...put all the US farmers
back to producing (so we wouldn't have to buy a fucking
orange from across the continent)...ethenol is clean
burning...sure they can adjust the carboration system
to accomodate the fuel...and maybe even get cheaper
....now...don't get me wrong...the japs build fine autos...
i have '94 toyota 4cyl. pick-up....93k miles...and it ain't
even 'broken-in' yet...
....think GM can produce that??...FORD is close...CHRYSLER
is still up in the air...maybe revive the Delorean??...289 Mustang,
327 Camero/Firebird...shit 'merican auto maufacturers have
just about completely fucked it all up...
....i feel it will come to a point where peeps are gonna grab old 60's
early 70's muscle cars and restrore them (well, as much as
....i am beginning to see more and more 50 year old VW bugs on
the road...owned 2...trashed..but those fuckers ran like the wind...