Charles said:
What the heck are you talking about (in the realm of auto sales)?
None of the brands that are seriously kicking Big-three butt are made in
"low wage" countries. The Japanese brands are mostly made in the U.S. or
in Japan where prevailing wages (high) are paid. The European brands are
(with the exception of VW which does manufacture a good part of it's
U.S.offerings in Mexico) made in the U.S. or in Europe where prevailing
wages (in Europe mostly BIG wages/benefits) are paid.
The single notable exception is the few Korean brands and even they are
building plants in the U.S. where UAW-level wages are paid.
Your thinking making and slapping parts together is all it takes. There is
so much behind the scenes stuff that goes on for even the simplest product.
Market research, design, testing, supplier management, project management,
etc. Then you add in all the levels of management, HR, Accounting,
payroll, etc you have more behind the scenes jobs as the assembly plants.
Those jobs are higher skill and in the US higher pay, but not in the other
countries. When all of those jobs are outside the US and the corporate
headquarters is outside the US they save so much they can afford to overpay
the assembly line workers.
So many people are blind to the rest of the world and believe the "made in
the US" marketing from those brands without knowing how small a part of
"made" there really is.