SMS said:When it comes to consumer products, often anecdotal evidence from users
of the product, and reviews from individuals that tear down and evaluate
the build quality, are all you have to go by. For oil filters there's no
independent testing agency that runs around testing every model of
filter from every manufacturer on every different vehicle that the
filter fits.
No and that would not be very intelligent way to manage Quality
Assurance. You don't need an 1980 air-cooled VW or a 1972 Dodge Dart and
30 below temperatures to hydrostatic test the burst pressure of a
filter. Burst test are in fact done by independent laboratories.
Based on the teardowns of Fram filters,
Teardowns by whom? Are you talking about idiots on the internet cutting
filters open? Or are you talking about the Quality Assurance department
(that every engine manufacture has), which carefully examine all the
engines that get replaced under warranty and sent back to the
and based on extensive anecdotal
evidence, the logical thing to do would be to play it safer by going
with an OEM filter rather than risk using a Fram filter.
In some cases the OEM filter is made by Fram. Did your internet sources
for folklore fail to inform you of that?
Maybe all the
reports of Fram filter failures are fiction, but those reports, combined
with so many different evaluations by those that disassemble filters,
make it probable that where there's so much smoke that there's probably
Yes and that is exactly what an hysterical true believer would imagine.
But where is there any believable evidence? The only thing I see
evidence of is a phenomena I call folklore and mass hysteria.
The fact is that millions of Fram filters are used on engines under
warranty. Some of those engines do fail and manufacturers do replace
those failed engines and all engine makers do post-mortems to determine
what causes failures. So if there really was any smoke or fire it would
show up somewhere at some time in that process. But that is not where
the evidence is coming from. The so called evidence is always somebody
with an old beater that has deluded himself and is now trying to
convince others that a Fram filter is the bogeyman out to get his