Vic Smith
"...15 years ago" - that's the problem with this whole thread. Everybody is
arguing antique anecdotal evidence and apparently no one has any actual
facts to contribute. For all we know from this discussion, they had one bad
production run in 1994 and everybody is still talking about it.
Try this experiment - the next time you change the oil filter, up end the
old one and see how long it take to drain out. I'll bet you find no
difference from one brand to another, I know I haven't. Nobody's ADBVs work
worth a damn.
The real issue is whether the filter media meets mfr's specs & that element
seems to never enter into the discussion.
Just for kicks, here's a look at filters one guy did.
10 years old.
But you could study a filter today, and tomorrow they change it at the
I've used all kinds of filters, and my practice is to dump their
contents into the drain pan. They all dump their contents just fine.
Some might glug a bit more than others. BFG.
Never had a base down oil filter configuration. Most seem to have
been base-up at about 45 degrees. My Ford 352 was the only one
I can recall that was close to vertical - base up. Most of my cars
have been GM.
They'll dump some oil when removed. A rag is your friend. No big
How many here fill their new filter with oil? I never did.
Never noticed any undue lack of pressure when starting up with a dry
new filter either.
I think most lifter noise at startup is because they are cold, not
because they don't almost immediately pump up.
Anyway I don't pay much attention to filters, except I don't buy Fram.
Usually just go with AC.
Not because I know anything about them, but because the raps against
Fram filtered in long ago. Funny how a rep can stick, whether still
deserved or not.
Anyway, filter selection is mostly voodoo.
Never liked the idea of toilet paper oil filters, will say that.