I've seen rebuilt engines that are beaters.
Mine is not. It still runs as well today as it did in 2002 when I
installed it. Which is like new I might add. No runs, no drips,
no errors.. Except for when I tried to use a Fram filter and it
very loudly in protest. I didn't let it run long enough to hurt
anything, and
I never raised it off idle until I finally had pressure.
It's not a fact and your account of one experience is hardly proof. The studies
I have seen give the drain back valve on Fram a good rating. Your proof is one
experience against millions. Any filter's drain back valve will leak if apiece
of crud happens to prevent it from sealing. That possibility is most likely on a
freshly rebuilt engine.
And the drain back valve have nothing to do with the operating oil pressure,
which was the topic of this thread.
I can round you up a whole boatload of people that have seen
the same exact problem. This is a well known issue involving many
people. It's not something I just made up to look stylish.
I don't care what the "studies" say. They are not using them in the
same applications and filter positions.
There have already been two others just in this thread alone that
seem to be well aware of the problem besides me.
Trust me, compared to the anti drain valve on the Motorcraft filter,
the ones in regular orange Fram filters suck.
Period. And I've proven to myself on my own vehicle. I've never seen
the problem with any other filter on that engine. Only the Fram.
Many others have proven it to themselves also. It's a common topic
on the Ford truck forums I hang out on.
But it's also a known problem with the Mopar slant six 229's.
As far as the "dropping oil pressure", I'd say starting an engine when
cold and waiting extended periods of time for *any* oil pressure would
qualify. It's not anything one would normally miss being as the
will be clacking like crazy.

Think what you want, but you will never see me using a Fram filter
again, even if they do work acceptably in many other applications.
Which I'm sure they probably do.. They don't work in all of them
though, and the other brands do.
I know which line I'll be in and it won't be the one with the big "F"
up at the window. :/