Grand total of 13%, according to today's USA Today poll. About the same
number that would find fault with him saving a baby seal from clubbing.
Are you talking about those worthless self-selecting polls? Because a
search of the USA today web site for "poll" and "13%" turned up absolutely
nothing for the past 2 weeks. Again, everyone with a clue in both parties
knows that Bush fucked up.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- By Jim
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, September 5, 2005; A17
Bush is trying to undo what many Republicans described as considerable
damage to the White House inflicted by Bush's crisis management. "Almost
every Republican I have spoken with is disappointed" in Bush's
performance, said William Kristol, a conservative columnist with close
White House ties. "He is a strong president . . . but he has never
really focused on the importance of good execution. I think that is true
in many parts of his presidency."
Then why don't they EVER offer alternative solutions? I mean, /anything/???
Do you have any idea how the government works? All of the Dem proposals
die in congressional subcommittees because they don't have the support
of a "majority of the majority". Its pretty obvious the Dems would love the
chance to "contribute something" but that it is impossible until after the
next elections. In the last election there were 7 Democrats with 7
different health care proposals for the 45 million uninsured population and
every one was light years better than Bush's. Has everyone noticed that Bush
forgot all about his "health care proposal" the instant he squeaked thru the