Every Democrat wants to blame Bush. The Democratic mantra has been to blame
Bush for everything and never, never, never, never make any contribution
This thing goes WAY beyond the usual partisan spin from political hacks.
There is a realization in both parties among everybody with a clue that Bush
fucked up big time. Thousands of Americans are D*E*A*D because of a massive
leadership failure, not because of terrorism.
By Jim VandeHei
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, September 5, 2005; A17
Bush is trying to undo what many Republicans described as considerable
damage to the White House inflicted by Bush's crisis management. "Almost
every Republican I have spoken with is disappointed" in Bush's
performance, said William Kristol, a conservative columnist with close
White House ties.
that could improve anything - only trash Bush. If there was something
constructive that they could offer, I would agree with many of their
statements about Bush, but they contribute absolutely nothing.
What the hell?!? The GOP controls all 3 branches of government. The Dems
would love to "contribute something". Both houses of Congress are rubber
stamps run under a dictatorship system the GOP leadership calls "majority of
the majority", whereby no legislation passes without a MAJORITY OF
REPUBLICANS (not a majority of congressmen) approval. On the other hand
after this failure of government something tells me the Dems will
contributing a lot more after the next elections. I think this is going to
affect America for decades and more so than 9/11. And every Democratic
presidential candidate and at least half of the Republican candidates of
the last 50 years would have done a better job responding to this crises
than Bush. Can anybody imagine President Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter,
LBJ, or John F Kennedy doing the piss poor job Bush did in the aftermath
of losing an entire US city?