You obviously don't visit this newsgroup very often or you would know
that the original poster claims to be a devout Christian.
In consequence you completely missed the sarcasm in my comment.
They may do a little harm when taken to extremes but more often than not
Christians have been an
I'm quite well aware of all that and don't need the lesson thanks. In
fact I am not even a national or resident of "this country" or a member
of "our society". However, I do resent being called a bigot.by someone
who clearly jumps to confusions.
What does this mean ? What thing?
What then?
1. I admit I am fairly new here. I usually hang out online where responses
like that are not meant as a joke of any kind. If you were just being
sarcastic then I apologize and humbly ask for your forgiveness.
2. The second part was directly related to the first, so once again if I
was wrong then I am sorry.
3. The point I was trying to make is that those two religious theologies
*chuckles* focus the most on self-gratification and not so much on trying
to benefit society in any major way. At least most of us Christians try,
even if we do screw up horribly from time to time. Lets just drop that
entire point ok because I really do not have the time to get into a major
theological war right now and I never intended too in the first place.
4. I am actually a Lutheran and a moderate Democrat. In the other places I
frequent on-line I am often flamed and trolled as a Fudie Bush supported
before I even get the chance to establish otherwise whenever religion do
political preference comes up. It was kind of a built in protective
reaction I have incorporated over the years. It probably had little if
anything to do with this discussion so please just ignore it along with the
rest of my erring post.