(e-mail address removed) wrote in @z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com:
All those losers whining about "where's the government?", "We got
nothing" "they leaving us here to die" and such are starting to really
piss me off. Our society has created a whole population of people who
rely on the government for all needs- housing, food, medical care.
That are unable to fend for themselves in any way hurricane or not.
Now they must really be suffering, almost like a domestic pet that
suddenly finds itself living in the wild.
First of all you live in an area BELOW sea level-not smart. Then its an
area that is subject to hurricanes and storms. Then word of an
impending hurricane comes out and you do not stock up and prepare. Why?
Because you have no responsibility for your own life. The gov't has
always taken care of you even when you refused to stay in school and
get a job. They support you after popping out numerous out-of-wedlock
babies. They take care of you in prison when you refuse to follow
society's rules. Adversity is when the American Spirit rises to the
top. Unfortunately you still choose to take by looting and causing
further damage to your countrymen. I just had to rant.
I am saddened to see this great discussion eclipsed by all of the trolling
and lack of compassion of some people for their fellow man. Though I do
agree with the your point for the most part you fail to keep in mind that
there really are some people who are incapable of fending for themselves.
And it is "Human Spirit", not "American Spirit". What makes this country go
wonderful is that we care for those that are suffering and we offer
humanitarian aid to those that need it to the best of our abilities. The
key word there is humanitarian, not American.
And the bigot who posted "How very Christian!!" needs to pull there head
out of their ass and realize a lot of what keeps this country a good place
to live are the Christian overtones in our society. They may do a little
harm when taken to extremes but more often than not Christians have been an
extremely beneficial group for society. This country was founded on
Christian morals and ethics and a large portion of our greatest
accomplishments as a society were and still are influenced by Christianity
and those that follow its theological message.
I dare the self-loving Satanist or Anarchist to say the same thing.
And just for the record, I am not a Fundie Christian or a Bush supporter.