They're Going To Put Refugees On Cruise Ships

PING! Another Troll post that got way too much attention

ITFC Member (Can't remember my membership number!)
There won't be any REFUGES on board. Refuges are people coming from
another country. All these people are from the US.
Barbara said:
There won't be any REFUGES on board. Refuges are people coming from
another country. All these people are from the US.

Main Entry: ref·u·gee
Pronunciation: "re-fyu-'jE, 're-fyu-"
Function: noun
Etymology: French réfugié, past participle of (se) réfugier to take
refuge, from Latin refugium
: one that flees
I wonder how many will complain that lifeboat is blocking the view or
if they get an inside or outside cabin. They will probably riot over
who gets a suite!! I'd sure hate to go on that boat after its turned
into a floating kennel. I'm sorry but after seeing a woman on tv
complaining that her MRE that was donated by OUR tax money was "too
cold" I have lost all sympathy for the majority of the flood "victims".
They are so used to having everything given to them they expect someone
else to care for them.

Think about it this way, a cruise ship is like a floating city, nearly
every amenity and service is available, barber shops, hair salons,
laundry facilities, dry cleaning, you name it, a ship probably has it,
they have their own power system, and can hold a lot of water for
washing and drinking. Just the kind of things that the LA/MS gulf coast
doesn't have operating at the moment.

It actually makes sense, and a lot of the people involved could be put
to work in the cleanup.

Barbara said:
There won't be any REFUGES on board. Refuges are people coming from
another country. All these people are from the US.

PC at it best, by all means don't offend them.
I would sure not want to be booked on a ship that had had refuges abroad!
There won't be any REFUGES on board. Refuges are people coming from
another country. All these people are from the US.

But maybe the best refuges will be abroad when we get done tearing each
other to pieces about the hurricane.
Ryan Cousineau said:
Fair enough. But I daresay that the Houston refugees, recently ex
Superdome refugees, are mostly the people with the fewest social and
economic ties to New Orleans. They are, after all, the ones who mostly
couldn't get a ride out of town before the hurricane.

That's not to say that lots of people won't return to New Orleans, just
that that poll, however scientific, is likely to represent the worst
case for the most desperate former residents of a city that was pretty
poor and desperate to start with.
I think the rebuilt New Orleans will be a lot different than the old one. I
see New Orleans being re-positioned as an upscale city, solely a tourist
attraction. They can rebuild the historical areas(French Quarter, Garden
District, Cabildo, etc) and not do the sprawl again.
I thought this newsgroup was about CRUISES! What's the deal with HAL's new
tip policy?
The entire topic is mute now, it has been set in place and our
opinions mean nothing.

The ships in question do not belong to you or me and their use is up
to Carnival. They made the decision and they will deal with any

Should any news come to light after they are deployed and populated I
am sure this board will bat it back and forth.

Sorry for the cross posting, but there are many threads that deal with
the same subject.

Are you the OP? jabario? tiny jim?? jpoulos???

Why do you keep changing names????
It actually makes sense, and a lot of the people involved could be put
to work in the cleanup. <<

They won't even think about working if they're given everything they
need without any responsibility. Generation after generation have not
been required to do anything yet are fed housed and allowed to breed.
The refugees would rather rape and loot aboard ship not work

Sorry folks, Clint is a regular troll on the cruise newsgroup who has no
idea about cross-posting, only how to be annoying.
I think the rebuilt New Orleans will be a lot different than the
old one. I
see New Orleans being re-positioned as an upscale city, solely a
attraction. They can rebuild the historical areas(French Quarter,
District, Cabildo, etc) and not do the sprawl again<<

New New Orleans might actually be nice--They were able to get rid of
their poor and criminals by shipping them all over. I will be buying
some investment property there. It will be cheap.
I would sure not want to be booked on a ship that had had refuges abroad!

My mother entertained the grandkids today with stories about being a refugee
when the Japanese bombed Changsha, sleeping on a cot in a shelter in a
strange city for six months. I guess you wouldn't want to share space with
someone like my mom and her family when she was a little girl, maybe because
you see yourself as a superior sort of human being.

Warm Regards,

Claire Petersky
Personal page:
See the books I've set free at:
Claire Petersky said:
My mother entertained the grandkids today with stories about being a
refugee when the Japanese bombed Changsha, sleeping on a cot in a shelter
in a strange city for six months. I guess you wouldn't want to share space
with someone like my mom and her family when she was a little girl, maybe
because you see yourself as a superior sort of human being.

I have no doubt that the cruise ships upon which New Orleanians are housed
will be vandalized and damaged. It would be nice if I were to be proven
wrong, but I doubt it. Everything which can be stolen will be, and you will
hear horror stories about crimes and such. Some knuckleheaded thugs will use
this as an opportunity to enrich themselves and hurt the innocent.
Barbara said:
There won't be any REFUGES on board. Refuges are people coming from
another country. All these people are from the US.
Are they seeking REFUGE from the conditions in the city of New Orleans? Then
they are REFUGEES. Duh.
I have no doubt that the cruise ships upon which New Orleanians are housed
will be vandalized and damaged. It would be nice if I were to be proven
wrong, but I doubt it. Everything which can be stolen will be, and you
will hear horror stories about crimes and such. Some knuckleheaded thugs
will use this as an opportunity to enrich themselves and hurt the

Because they're poor? Because they're black? Because they're from the South?
Because they're more morally deficient than you?

Warm Regards,

Claire Petersky
Personal page:
See the books I've set free at:
Because they're poor? Because they're black? Because they're from the South?
Because they're more morally deficient than you?<

Time after time behavior of groups can be accurately predicted. I'd
leave out being from the south though. The same lawlessness and
destruction would occur if the hurricane hit LA , NY, chicago, etc.
People who have lived as pets lack moral judgement.

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