OT: is hitchhiking legal or not (in US)

I have just read through your many comments on the United States. As I
read, I just kept telling myself, this guy hasn't got a clue and likes
to make big negative comments about our country just for the sake of
being heard. But as I read this last reply of yours, it just made me
sick. We are at war in Iraq for oil and money? Give me a break! You are
the one living in fantasy land. How dare you insult our troops risking
their lives in Iraq right now by saying they are fighting for oil and
money. How dare you ignore the facts of terrorism and genocide. Do you
think the mass graves in Iraq are a fantasy. Do you think the torture
and degradation of women is an acceptable thing? Do you really think
that we just ignore the terrorists of the Middle East, that they will
leave us alone? People like you love to be "anti-war" and anti-Bush"
without investigating any of the facts of world situations and
politics. Did you want the U.S. to roll over and play dead after over
1,000 civilians were murdered in an instant? 9/11 was just as much a
tragedy and an assault on our country as when the Japanese bombed Pearl
Harbor. Do you think we should not have gone to war then either?
Perhaps you better study some of the issues and facts before you open
your mouth and put your foot in any deeper. You might study some
spelling and grammar while you are at it. It is one thing to disagree
with our leadership, it is another to insult them and show no respect
for this great country of ours. You have no idea how good you have it
here. Go live somewhere else if you don't like the way we do things and
only want to criticize in disparaging ways. Just think, all this came
out of your irritation with our transportation system. I wonder what
would happen if you had a valid reason to really get mad, rather a
scary thought.
I propose both Stephan and "new2subaru" share
a ride on some public transportation, say an imaginary
to be built high-speed bullet train Miami-NYC, sitting
next to each other, of course :))))

I suspect bullets could be flying indeed :)

Both seem to be repeating their respective governments'
propaganda. One European nonsense about Bush the
other American brainwash about Iraq involvement in 9/11.

It is for a reason that public services like transportation
thrive only were population is uniform, in national states,
and not in multicultural places.

Now, back to your Subaru's, Yamaha's, Ford SUV's,
or whatever you drive. Also forget about hitchhiking,
too risky, for same reasons.

new2subaru said:
I have just read through your many comments on the United States. As I
read, I just kept telling myself, this guy hasn't got a clue and likes
to make big negative comments about our country just for the sake of
being heard. But as I read this last reply of yours, it just made me
sick. We are at war in Iraq for oil and money? Give me a break! You are
the one living in fantasy land. How dare you insult our troops risking
their lives in Iraq right now by saying they are fighting for oil and

He made no insult against the troops, they just follow orders, like always.

How dare you ignore the facts of terrorism and genocide.

Your 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia....Saddam had nothing to do
with 9/11.
As for the genocide...he's been convicted of gassing a village where the
inhabitants had tried to assasinate him. Now if someone tried to kill
the US president, that would make them a terrorist, wouldn't it?

Do you
think the mass graves in Iraq are a fantasy.

Not at all.....and now there are more of them! Saddam was a US puppet,
supplied and strings pulled by the US to keep Iran in line.

Do you think the torture
and degradation of women is an acceptable thing?

Do you think the detention without trial and torture of 'suspects'
acceptable? Do you think the murder and rape of women is acceptable?
Look in the mirror........

Do you really think
that we just ignore the terrorists of the Middle East, that they will
leave us alone?

What is the point of the CIA, FBI and whatever other groups of spies you
have if they can't weed out these 'terror cells'?
The 'War on Terror' is a sick joke. Terror is a feeling, not a country
you can declare war on.

People like you love to be "anti-war" and anti-Bush"
without investigating any of the facts of world situations and

Bush lied.....end of story!

Did you want the U.S. to roll over and play dead after over
1,000 civilians were murdered in an instant?

That would be 2,752 dead......I would have expected the US to go for the
people who did the deed, not go off on a tangent to please the president.

9/11 was just as much a
tragedy and an assault on our country as when the Japanese bombed Pearl
Harbor. Do you think we should not have gone to war then either?

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, it was an act of war by a
country, not a small band of terrorists......and it was a blessing in
disguise as it got the US into WW2 instead of sitting on the fence.

Perhaps you better study some of the issues and facts before you open
your mouth and put your foot in any deeper. You might study some
spelling and grammar while you are at it.

LOL.....net nanny......

It is one thing to disagree
with our leadership, it is another to insult them and show no respect
for this great country of ours.

Respect is earned....George W. doesn't even come close to getting any
from me. Your country is great, but some of the population leave a lot
to be desired.

You have no idea how good you have it
here. Go live somewhere else if you don't like the way we do things and
only want to criticize in disparaging ways.

You'll find Stephan is a Global worker, going where the money is. Have
you ever left your state/country?

Just think, all this came
out of your irritation with our transportation system. I wonder what
would happen if you had a valid reason to really get mad, rather a
scary thought.

He had some valid points to argue, before going off the deep end like
you just have. have a good one. :)
I have just read through your many comments on the United States. As I
read, I just kept telling myself, this guy hasn't got a clue and likes
to make big negative comments about our country just for the sake of
being heard. But as I read this last reply of yours, it just made me
sick. We are at war in Iraq for oil and money? Give me a break! You are
the one living in fantasy land. How dare you insult our troops risking
their lives in Iraq right now by saying they are fighting for oil and
money. How dare you ignore the facts of terrorism and genocide. Do you
think the mass graves in Iraq are a fantasy. Do you think the torture
and degradation of women is an acceptable thing? Do you really think
that we just ignore the terrorists of the Middle East, that they will
leave us alone? People like you love to be "anti-war" and anti-Bush"
without investigating any of the facts of world situations and
politics. Did you want the U.S. to roll over and play dead after over
1,000 civilians were murdered in an instant? 9/11 was just as much a
tragedy and an assault on our country as when the Japanese bombed Pearl
Harbor. Do you think we should not have gone to war then either?
Perhaps you better study some of the issues and facts before you open
your mouth and put your foot in any deeper. You might study some
spelling and grammar while you are at it. It is one thing to disagree
with our leadership, it is another to insult them and show no respect
for this great country of ours. You have no idea how good you have it
here. Go live somewhere else if you don't like the way we do things and
only want to criticize in disparaging ways. Just think, all this came
out of your irritation with our transportation system. I wonder what
would happen if you had a valid reason to really get mad, rather a
scary thought.

If you can re-write that in a way that is actually readable (hint:
paragraphs are a wonderful thing) I may actually bother reading it.

2003 Yamaha R6

kimi no koto omoidasu hi nante nai no wa
kimi no koto wasureta toki ga nai kara
I propose both Stephan and "new2subaru" share
a ride on some public transportation, say an imaginary
to be built high-speed bullet train Miami-NYC, sitting
next to each other, of course :))))

I suspect bullets could be flying indeed :)

I'm up for it!
Both seem to be repeating their respective governments'
propaganda. One European nonsense about Bush the
other American brainwash about Iraq involvement in 9/11.

Except that I already formed said opinion while I still lived in the
US and it has nothing to do with my government =)
It is for a reason that public services like transportation
thrive only were population is uniform, in national states,
and not in multicultural places.

Oh yea, true...Europe is such a uniform place. When I walk through my
local town I can hear 3 different languages spoken within 10 minutes
from people with completely different cultural backgrounds.


uniform indeed...
Now, back to your Subaru's, Yamaha's, Ford SUV's,
or whatever you drive. Also forget about hitchhiking,
too risky, for same reasons.

Yamaha R6!!!! =) And I *ride* it, not *drive* it! =)

Though..in this weather...I can't =(
Ice & motorcycles don't mix all that well...

2003 Yamaha R6

kimi no koto omoidasu hi nante nai no wa
kimi no koto wasureta toki ga nai kara
Except that I already formed said opinion while I still lived in the
US and it has nothing to do with my government =)

OK, I was generalizing, if not exaggerating a bit, just to
illustrate the ridiculous situation, nothing personal, Stephan.

European populus is far better educated than American,
who basically have a fake public education system, but
European education is not perfect and can instill certain
agenda's in the minds of its recipients, for example support
for the so called "welfare economics" "welfare state" which
has its good and bad sides.

Oh yea, true...Europe is such a uniform place. When I walk through my
local town I can hear 3 different languages spoken within 10 minutes
from people with completely different cultural backgrounds.


uniform indeed...

You are right, Stephan, but this peaceful civility is and was a
result of heavy subsidies. Western Europe's welfare economics
implemented after WWII, was a way of matching, in a democratic
way, the social reforms that were taking place in Eastern Europe
under Socialism/Communism. Europe was Cold War battle
ground for the lat 60 years. A tolerant, educated, multicultural,
and democratic, yet almost socialist Western Europe was created,
neutralizing any potential Communist influence from the East,
i.e. preventing dictatorships from taking hold like in the Eastern
Europe. But Western Europe at the same time became awfully
inefficient as high taxes had to finance this strategy.

Today, when communism fell, its back to the old ways,
reforming or outright scrapping of welfare economics
(see Germany). This will probably soon make Europe look
more like America, with all its extreme disparities. It is all a
matter of money after all, Americans could be like Europeans
of the past (!) if piles of money were invested in the populus
through massive subsidies. Costly, but could be done.

I worry that Europe will become again a place of
great strife, as capitalism takes hold again. Profits are up
in Europe, as welfare economics recede, but eventually
a new war may take place, as social reform will continue
to make life more difficult. There are already multitudes
of revisionists organizing in Germany, to reclaim their
old possesions in the so called Eastern territories (today's
Poland). As subsidies are cut in Germany, these people
are becoming desperate and are looking for an easy way
out in the East.

These are difficult times, and we don't know were social
reforms in Europe both East and West will eventually lead
the whole Continent, and how it will look in just a few
decades. Profits will be up for sure, but not without a
tremendous social cost.

These are difficult times, and we don't know were social
reforms in Europe both East and West will eventually lead
the whole Continent, and how it will look in just a few
decades. Profits will be up for sure, but not without a
tremendous social cost.

I forgot to add, profits will be up but not without a tremendous
social cost, like in America!

Of course America borrows like crazy, putting a band-aid
on these problems, and sending their unemployed to fight wars
etc., so these costs are not yet apparent in full, but they will be
in due time.

new2subaru said:
I have just read through your many comments on the United States. As I
read, I just kept telling myself, this guy hasn't got a clue and likes
to make big negative comments about our country just for the sake of
being heard. But as I read this last reply of yours, it just made me
sick. We are at war in Iraq for oil and money? Give me a break! You are
the one living in fantasy land. How dare you insult our troops risking
their lives in Iraq right now by saying they are fighting for oil and

He did not insult our troops. Bush and our troops are two different
things. But you are correct about it not just being for oil and money,
it is also a huge ego trip for him and about diverting attention from
the piss poor job he is doing running his own country.
How dare you ignore the facts of terrorism and genocide. Do you
think the mass graves in Iraq are a fantasy. Do you think the torture
and degradation of women is an acceptable thing? Do you really think
that we just ignore the terrorists of the Middle East, that they will
leave us alone?

Wouldn't it have made more sense to go after the people that attacked
us? We know Iraq was not responsible for the bombings here. As for
what they do to each other over there, that is not our business. The
world has not asked us to be their police.
People like you love to be "anti-war" and anti-Bush"
without investigating any of the facts of world situations and
politics. Did you want the U.S. to roll over and play dead after over
1,000 civilians were murdered in an instant? 9/11 was just as much a
tragedy and an assault on our country as when the Japanese bombed Pearl
Harbor. Do you think we should not have gone to war then either?

Big difference, there we went after those that attacked us. Our own
military has told us that.
Perhaps you better study some of the issues and facts before you open
your mouth and put your foot in any deeper. You might study some
spelling and grammar while you are at it.

When all else fails go after that grammar ;)
It is one thing to disagree with our leadership, it is another to insult
them and show no respect for this great country of ours.

He can insult Bush all he wants as far as I'm concerned. It wouldn't
be fair to keep that fun all to ourselves. BTW I served in the army
for six years and my son did a year in Iraq.
You have no idea how good you have it
here. Go live somewhere else if you don't like the way we do things and
only want to criticize in disparaging ways. Just think, all this came
out of your irritation with our transportation system. I wonder what
would happen if you had a valid reason to really get mad, rather a
scary thought.

Not sure how to tell you this but it really doesn't work to tell
someone, "Go live somewhere else" when they already live somewhere

new2subaru said:
being heard. But as I read this last reply of yours, it just made me
sick. We are at war in Iraq for oil and money? Give me a break! You are

Yes, we are in this war for oil and money - but there is nothing wrong
with that.

- Kurt
Stephan Rose said:
Sounds like you have your head stuck up bush's ass so far you don't
even know what sunlight looks like anymore.

What you say there is easy enough to claim, but can you actually prove
your rather interesting theory?

I think he is talking about how we would all be talking German or Japanese
right now if it was not for the US. Despite all the mistakes we have made,
we have done more right than wrong.

- Kurt
~kurt said:
I think he is talking about how we would all be talking German or Japanese
right now if it was not for the US. Despite all the mistakes we have made,
we have done more right than wrong.

Forgot to mention - we could also all be talking Russian and living
under a communist regime. Who do you think beat the commies back?

- Kurt
krusty kritter said:
I suppose you believe that western imperialism is driven by altruism,
rather than the profit motive.

Profit, greed, altruism, manifest destiny or whatever the reason. All of
them at some point would be my guess.

Ask the Jews and other undesirables' that were headed to Hitler's ovens if
it mattered why we were there. Or if it mattered that we finally
just were.

I am not sure if it was profit or altruism that caused us to bomb those
crafty Japanese into such submission that they have not acted up til this
day. I am sure it was one of them.

Ask those fuckers in the old East Germany if it matters how or just that it
happened for the wall to come down and West Germany and other profit
inspired countries came in to save their stinking, polluted, morally,
spiritually, and financially bankrupt
Communist country. Do you understand any of the forces that made that happen
Profit was a major one. It sure was not out of the goodness of some
Communist or Socialist's heart. Your world was made and is safer due to
so-called Western Imperialism. Like it or not.

Maybe it is just my news sources, but I have not seen too many countries
adding a lot to the good of the world over the years. And just in case you
missed it in the first post, Chances are real fucking great that any freedom
you have is directly related to a U.S soldier past and present.

Just in case anyone thinks I want my country to be involved in others
affairs, here goes:

I am real tired of my county sending us over to some asswipe country because
of the lack of civilization in some part of the world. This includes all of

If I had my way, we would pull our soldiers out of the entire world and let
the spiritually advanced countries hack on each
other and discover life without my tax money and country men's lives. Then
deliver immediate and prompt **** you nuclear annihilation to any country
that threatened or attacked us in any way. No need for ambassadors at all.
Isolationist? You bet.

I suspect the world would prefer the hated "Western Imperialism" method
instead of
my way.

And, I love riding my bikes.

Jerry said:
Profit, greed, altruism, manifest destiny or whatever the reason. All of
them at some point would be my guess.

Ask the Jews and other undesirables' that were headed to Hitler's ovens if
it mattered why we were there. Or if it mattered that we finally
just were.

I am not sure if it was profit or altruism that caused us to bomb those
crafty Japanese into such submission that they have not acted up til this
day. I am sure it was one of them.

Ask those fuckers in the old East Germany if it matters how or just that it
happened for the wall to come down and West Germany and other profit
inspired countries came in to save their stinking, polluted, morally,
spiritually, and financially bankrupt
Communist country. Do you understand any of the forces that made that happen
Profit was a major one. It sure was not out of the goodness of some
Communist or Socialist's heart. Your world was made and is safer due to
so-called Western Imperialism. Like it or not.

Maybe it is just my news sources, but I have not seen too many countries
adding a lot to the good of the world over the years. And just in case you
missed it in the first post, Chances are real fucking great that any freedom
you have is directly related to a U.S soldier past and present.

Just in case anyone thinks I want my country to be involved in others
affairs, here goes:

I am real tired of my county sending us over to some asswipe country because
of the lack of civilization in some part of the world. This includes all of

If I had my way, we would pull our soldiers out of the entire world and let
the spiritually advanced countries hack on each
other and discover life without my tax money and country men's lives. Then
deliver immediate and prompt **** you nuclear annihilation to any country
that threatened or attacked us in any way. No need for ambassadors at all.
Isolationist? You bet.

I suspect the world would prefer the hated "Western Imperialism" method
instead of
my way.

And, I love riding my bikes.


And how does all this relate to Subaru ??
Do you really think
that we just ignore the terrorists of the Middle East, that they will
leave us alone?

I think that. I also think that it's unacceptable to encourage countries
like Palestine to hold elections, then punish them for not electing the
guys we like, or in the case of Nicaragua, actively seek to influence
the election. You don't get people to come to a party by shooting some
of them, for God's sake.

~kurt said:
Forgot to mention - we could also all be talking Russian and living
under a communist regime. Who do you think beat the commies back?

Maynard Keynes and Allen Greenspan.
I believe Georgia does. I used to live there and don't recall ever
seeing a hitcher. Also, an old guy I once met claimed he'd gotten 30
days on the chain gang for it.
Also, an old guy I once met claimed he'd gotten 30 days on the chain gang for

I once hitchhiked from Chattanooga to New Orleans, cutting across a corner of
Georgia. My cousin hitched from New London, CT to New Orleans, but I don't
know what route he took. That was in the '50s, and my cousin was in Coast
Guard uniform.

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