I can't believe this

BTW, what I emant by "I can't believe this" was how he tried to tell me
to get Hyundai after I explained to him my reasons for getting GT. May
be he was getting senile. I am not taking anyone with me anymore.
Rick is patronizing and you are getting delusional.
You still dont get a clue do you 'ol skidmark of the panties?

Even YOU should be able to understand this. The dealer is tired of your shit
too. Go away, go back home, shut and crawl away.
Go buy that Hyundai, That Oldsmobile, That Toyota....no one cares what you
do, Except the INS and IRS.....they are interested in you :)
That sounds plausible. However, what are the chances that the multiple
personalities would end up duking it out on usenet? The logic, or lack
thereof, and writing styles are very similar....

Certainly something to ponder about.

Are you saying that you never made out of town trips with this Hynudai
and only drove it in the city. Gee, previosuly, you said "The
"crappy" little Hyundai Excel has so far been the most reliable car I
have owned. What a joke! Either I must be very very lucky or these
cars were not that bad after all. ", sounding like anyone who bought
anything other than Hyundai was commiting a sin.

As I said, the car turned out to be surprisingly reliable, mechanically
the only reason I would not drive it anywhere else but the city is because
it is
a 4speed manual (without an overdrive).

When I was looking at Hyundai - I did because I didn't want to just say
"no" since the Hyundia place was just around the corner of Subaru - I
asked the HP of V6. It was 2005. No wonder it was cheap. I look at
carsdirect.com for all the Hyundai V6 of 2006 and the one with decent
HP is not that cheap.

You still have to negotiate a bit. Don't dismiss Hyundai, also visit a
dealership if you have negotiation aversion.

You still have to negotiate a bit.

I know. When we stopped by to look at Hyundai, I wasn't even
interesting finding out their prices since I had not done any research
on Hyundai prices.
Don't dismiss Hyundai, also visit a
Saturn dealership if you have negotiation aversion.

I just don't see why I can't negotiate from home. Out of 4 dealers (one
is an hour drive), I am in touch with 2 of them. One of the other two
doesn't have the color I want and the guy knows that I am not going to
pay him extra to go get it from another dealer which is what he said I
would have to do. Due to his location, he obviously doesn't care
whether I buy from him or not. As for the other one, when the internet
fleet manager told me that there is only one left in the whole state
for *the color I want*, I decided not to waste my time with him.

Anyway, why Saturn dealership if I don't want to negotiate?
Go buy that Hyundai, That Oldsmobile, That Toyota....no one cares what you
do, Except the INS and IRS.....they are interested in you :)

I'm confused, I thought Rastis considers Subarus a POS, therefore surely
he would wish Amanda bought one, to add to her suffering?

BTW, what I emant by "I can't believe this" was how he tried to tell me
to get Hyundai after I explained to him my reasons for getting GT. May
be he was getting senile. I am not taking anyone with me anymore.

they will probably appreciate that

Rick is patronizing and you are getting delusional.

Check it out, guys! Our resident train wreck got herself a ghost writer
who knows some big words and how to spell them! I'm impressed...

I know. When we stopped by to look at Hyundai, I wasn't even
interesting finding out their prices since I had not done any research
on Hyundai prices.

I just don't see why I can't negotiate from home. Out of 4 dealers (one
is an hour drive), I am in touch with 2 of them. One of the other two
doesn't have the color I want and the guy knows that I am not going to
pay him extra to go get it from another dealer which is what he said I
would have to do. Due to his location, he obviously doesn't care(**** YOU AMANDA)
whether I buy from him or not. As for the other one, when the internet
fleet manager told me that there is only one left in the whole state
for *the color I want*, I decided not to waste my time with him.(HE WANTS YOU TO GO AWAY)

Anyway, why Saturn dealership if I don't want to negotiate?
You STUMP STUPID BITCH!!!! The only "fleet manager" you will ever see is the
one that delivers enima's, You are so fucking smart BITCH, go find out what
he means about Saturn.
The dealer is the smart one here, HE doesnt want to waste HIS time on you
(CHEAP ASS). Just buy ANY fucking car and go away.
Not on your life. I exist to annoy you.

Here's a suggestion: How about you annoy him offline via email and
leave your juvenile ramblings off this newsgroup?

And Dr. Foofenasshole, you do the same.


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