Gas Rage In Staten Island

Jasper said:
The Avensis is between them? My apologies. Toyota model lines all run
together in my head. Yes, the Yaris is pretty popular, although mostly in
hatchback versions, not sedan versions.

I didn't know there was a sedan version, I've only seen the hatchback
and Yaris Verso, the MPV version.

Per D. Sørensen
They did have the funding to keep putting shuttles into orbit but not
enough to fix the heat shield problem?

Exactly. It's not like NASA can just shuffle money around without
congressional approval, you know. And the problem *still* isn't solved
after a year and a half and however many billion they threw at it


The point about all this ' what if ' stuff is that most people don't
know enough about potential problems, and most probably don't care,
until someone says ' hey this might happen' blah, blah, blah ---

And that is how all these ' nimby ' groups get started and block real

I didn't know there was a sedan version, I've only seen the hatchback
and Yaris Verso, the MPV version.

I don't think I've ever seen a sedan Yaris, but it's bound to exist, isn't

Hopefully this "crisis" will last long enough to make a real
difference in people's attitude about what constitutes "reasonable
transportation". Maybe some of 'em will actually figure out that
bikes are a good option?
It hasn't yet. Here in Atlanta, where I've been motorcycling all
week, I still see people flooring it away from lights in 3-ton
fatmobiles. There's plenty of gas here at just iver $3.00 per
gallon. I wouldn't mind seeing it go to $5.00, which may help reduce
consumption untiul the refineries come back online, and get some of
the SUV's off the road for a while.

At $3.00 / gal, I can afford it, but I'm staying home this 3-day
weekend, to help conserve.
(Or, so some idiot hummer driver can burn it up instead?)
In Ray L. Nutz said:
Great Britain is planning to built 8 super Nuclear plants big enough to
supply entire country.

Are we? First I've heard about it.

Have you got any details/sources for that?

The best answer is to reduce consumption, and that isn't that

Oh, yes it is! It's called The Tragedy of the Commons effect: No
politician dares mention the need to conserve because it would be the
kiss of death for his political career. All his opponent has to do is
say we can instead solve the supply problem by drilling more wells and
building more refineries, and he gets the votes. After all, the
politicians aren't even willing to require the manufacturers to make
more economical cars, because people just won't vote for a politician
who wants to take away their freedom to choose what to drive, so a
fortiori they are not willing to make anyone reduce their consumption..

Please note that I don't like this situation, but it's the truth.
The best answer is to reduce consumption, and that isn't that

Oh, yes it is! It's called The Tragedy of the Commons effect: No
politician dares mention the need to conserve because it would be the
kiss of death for his political career. All his opponent has to do is
say we can instead solve the supply problem by drilling more wells and
building more refineries, and he gets the votes. After all, the
politicians aren't even willing to require the manufacturers to make
more economical cars, because people just won't vote for a politician
who wants to take away their freedom to choose what to drive, so a
fortiori they are not willing to make anyone reduce their consumption..

Please note that I don't like this situation, but it's the truth.

The higher the price goes, the less consumption there is, which reduces
pump sales, causing the oil companies to reduce prices, to increase
sales, which increases need, which puts pressure on the supply, which
increases prices.


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