Jasper Janssen
More hypotheticals. It is impossible to plan for all events. Not too
many people thought a chunk of foam hitting a space shuttle would cause
it to burn up as it re-entered the atmoshpere. Not too many people
thought a group of terrorist would use planes as cruise missles. There
are just to many ' what if ' s to think of them all.
Actually, both of those were things that *were* foreseen.
- Everybody knew bad enough damage to a Shuttle's heat shields would cause
it to burn up, and NASA knew that the heat shields were getting damaged on
lift off on a regular basis. They didn't have the funding to do anything
about it, though.
- I refer you to Tom Clancy, who in '97 or so used
terrorist-bores-747-into-the-Capitol as the plot point by which his Jack
Ryan becomes President just hours after the vote confirming his vice
presidency and minutes *before* his swearing in.