claiam and premium increase

They are not living off welfare to have time sitting all day long like
you (partly probably because you can't get out of the chair easily with
your 300 lb obese body) to be reading these posts.

Oh Jeez REALLY do give a whole new meaning to a "Bum
God damn I hope your better in bed than you are at spelling, reading,
Somehow I think spending time with you in the sack would be like screwing a
Go away tubby, your cottage cheese between your legs and under your armpits
is getting pretty rank.
You will *NEVER* find a boyfriend/hubby/fuckbuddy smelling like limburger
Go to your "insurance" group and cry on their shoulder....keep it a don't want ME there HAHAHAHAHA......
should be an insurance expert by now ;)
You are NOT reading right. That's the problem with most people. I
hope you are not a scientist by trade.

The accident are:
(1)Curb hitting: mid 2004 (My fault) BECAUSE YOU DROPPED YOUR HOT DOG IN
(2)Back Bumper and Trunk door damage: March 2005 (BECAUSE YOU PARKED LIKE AN
(4) Latest accident: May 2005 (BECAUSE YOU ARE A SHIT-MAGNET)
Only because of the last accident where the damage was "broken side
view right mirror + body damage on the right bumper, right fender,
front passenger side door (near the side mirror), rear passenger side
door (the first contact with the other car) that I had NO choice but to
learn about insurance coverage.
Oh can't drive any better than you understand and
communicate here. You should be riding the bus, but they want to charge you
TWO rider-passes because you take up TWO seats.
should be an insurance expert by now ;)
You are NOT reading right. That's the problem with most people. I
hope you are not a scientist by trade.

You are right. I'm not reading right - there are 4 accidents in recent
history. It is not important whose fault they were.
What I am saying is that if you have had 4 fairly recent insurance company
encounters, then you should know better.

And, yes, I am a scientist - a retired chemist still actively consulting. I
also recall one of your dramas in sci.chem.

Drama queen is an apt discription of you ;(

you have had 4 fairly recent insurance company encounters,

How can you be reading right to say about since insurance knows about
only 2. I didn't even report about the eggs thrown (by teenagers) to
the police. And you failed to differentiate between collison and
comprehensive (vandalism). BTW, what's your definition of "recent"?

As for your recall on what you call the drama in sci.chem, if you are
decent enough to aknowledge, you would acknowledge about the
contributor there, i.e the anti-environment troll there. I hope you
won't pretend like you don't know whom I am talking about. I think you
were the one who apologized on behalf of that troll chemist who seems
to think he is so entertaining.
There's a pattern to your posts: they're either off-topic or pose
questions to which many answers are already available in archives.
You're inciting flame wars in both instances and pushing worthwhile
threads off the board. Please show some restraint. This isn't "Ask
Jeeves." Sheesh.>, (e-mail address removed)
There's a pattern to your posts: they're either off-topic or pose
questions to which many answers are already available in archives.
You're inciting flame wars in both instances and pushing worthwhile
threads off the board. Please show some restraint. This isn't "Ask
Jeeves." Sheesh.
Some folks would say, "troll".

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