claiam and premium increase

Why not try it for experience? Consider the variables of speed and
force and types of curb one can hit.

The point is that most damage ocures at the point of impact.
Cam said:>, (e-mail address removed)

And which country is that?
I think that the people in this ng who claimed to be annoyed with me
know know I am in the state if California of USA. Notice that I spelled
the state name instaed of giving abbreviation.
Well..what if someone had the same experience and could give some
You need to post more details then...time of day, street name, wet/dry, color of car, type of tires, passengers & names,
inflation pressures, that sort of stuff.
I'd say that if I knew enough to include all that, I would already knew
enough not to ask the original question.

If you don't provide the info, who can tell?
Info was that I hit a curb (not to hard) and some dent and scarth on
Well, that doesn't help much, does it?
It wasn't helpful too much but it made me give info about my poliy
number when asking my insurance company.

You should probably call them more often...two to
three times a day would probably get you the
respect you deserve.

Guess what. I was about to make claim, but the lady told me to ask C S
to make sure that it wouldn't compromise my god driving discount. So I
did again and this time, the CS representative told me something
different from yesterday.

A while later, I decided to call the claim and asked that exact same
question and she told me that he's wrong and the previous info I got
(from the knowledgeable lady) was correct.
After getting nowhere (being put on hold), at the 3rd try, I finally
got enough to give me the info about threshhold.

And remarkably, I'd suppose it all depends on *what* threshold they were talking about.

Yesterday, I was talking on behalf of my sister with her insurance
company to clearify her coverage and I asked this question. She was the
one who said it's not set by insurance company. It's the same for ll.
As long as the insurance pay less than 1000 (for the demage) after
deductible, it won't increase ppremium in this state.

Are you some kind of uber-hotty, or is Daddy stinkin' rich?

What's that supposed to mean? I was talking about knowledge. Knowledge
is power.
I amazed that most people who grew up here don't know squat about
things I would know had I been raised in this country.

Amada, the rules are simple. Post Subaru-specific
questions here. If you can't do that, just unsubscribe
and leave us all alone. We read this group because
we want to share information about our *Subarus*, not
our insurance, accidents, or legal entanglements.

If you can't play by the rules, please go away.
What's that supposed to mean? I was talking about knowledge. Knowledge
is power.


While we've TRIED to help you with Subaru specific topics, it seems you
need to add a few more items of "knowledge" to your inventory, so let me
help you if I can:

1. This is a SUBARU group. We talk about Subies. While some
conversations take interesting tangents, it's still Subarus that bring
us here. Insurance, revocation of driving privileges, slams on the
intelligence of the members--all are off topic and aren't generally
appropriate, if they're tolerated at all.

2. The people here are GENERALLY well-behaved, polite and helpful. But
they ARE people, which means they have nerves, including a "last" one.
Most will give some hints that a poster is getting close to the edge.
Others may not, but ALL can become rather perturbed and less than polite
if an offending poster doesn't seem to get the message to

3. When you need legal advice, you consult an attorney. If he/she
doesn't give you what you want, you get a new one. When you want
insurance policies, information about same, claims info, etc., you
consult an insurance company. If they don't give you what you want, you
get a new one. If there's a serious problem with an insurance company,
the State of California has an insurance commissioner to handle
complaints. While his office may be reached thru the Internet, it's NOT
available thru this newsgroup.

4. The more one says about something, the more likely one will stick a
foot in one's mouth. This seems especially noticeable when one is

I agree that knowledge is power, so let's condense this to empower you:
you've been going on and on about something that's off topic, boring and
hasn't improved your position with the group. If you want to talk about
Subies, please stick around and talk about Subies. If you can't seem to
keep your discussions to that subject, please take this new found
knowledge and power yourself out of here!

Thank you!

I amazed that most people who grew up here don't know squat about
things I would know had I been raised in this country.

Something tell me cant find your ass with both hands and a
Your really getting boring......
I think that the people in this ng who claimed to be annoyed with me
know know I am in the state if California of USA. Notice that I spelled
the state name instaed of giving abbreviation.

<SIGH> OK.....listen up Amanda......WAKE THE **** UP! are a pain in
the ass, you are clueless, you can't SPELL FOR SHIT.
While the "Regulars" in here will be polite, I won't......
You are a yeast infection on legs.You waste time,space and bandwidth. Take
your stupid diatribe (thats complaints to you) elsewhere.
Ask your poor boyfriend (why he puts up with you is amazing) for help on
this info. Call your mommy/daddy if they will listen to you.
I sincerely hope you are one hot piece of ass for him, as you are a pain in
the ass here.
Go away you leach on society, your done......
The good doctor
Yes, cosmetic damage when someone hit my car a month ago.

The curb-hitting was from last October. And egges thrown was about 3
weks before the last accident (of May 19). The former under collison
and the latter under comprehensive. I am considering to claim both now
and cash out as I found out that my curb-hitting won't raise my premium
since the cost of repair falls under the threshold value of $1000 (for
this state) that insurance would pay.

I am sure your insurance company will enjoy reading this in print here.
Are you really this stupid or did someone send you here as a "test"?
I was told that it's $1000. Later, I found out the amount is set not
by insurance companies but by state regulations.

I also have the option of not fixing it and take the cash.
Get your story straight, you tell such fibs that even you cant keep track of
Was the fender covered by collision? were the eggs (your neighbors know your
a head case) covered...did you file it? are are you now going to file
it...again? Did you already put the cash in your I mean pocket?
Do you have a mattress strapped to your back?
Does your boyfriend/parents/grandparents or room-mate know you write this
crap on the computer?
Have you considered counciling from a certified therapist?(NOT a Subaru
owners NG)
Rick said:

While we've TRIED to help you with Subaru specific topics, it seems you
need to add a few more items of "knowledge" to your inventory, so let me
help you if I can:

1. This is a SUBARU group. We talk about Subies. While some
conversations take interesting tangents, it's still Subarus that bring
us here. Insurance, revocation of driving privileges, slams on the
intelligence of the members--all are off topic and aren't generally
appropriate, if they're tolerated at all.

2. The people here are GENERALLY well-behaved, polite and helpful. But
they ARE people, which means they have nerves, including a "last" one.
Most will give some hints that a poster is getting close to the edge.
Others may not, but ALL can become rather perturbed and less than polite
if an offending poster doesn't seem to get the message to

3. When you need legal advice, you consult an attorney. If he/she
doesn't give you what you want, you get a new one. When you want
insurance policies, information about same, claims info, etc., you
consult an insurance company. If they don't give you what you want, you
get a new one. If there's a serious problem with an insurance company,
the State of California has an insurance commissioner to handle
complaints. While his office may be reached thru the Internet, it's NOT
available thru this newsgroup.

4. The more one says about something, the more likely one will stick a
foot in one's mouth. This seems especially noticeable when one is

I agree that knowledge is power, so let's condense this to empower you:
you've been going on and on about something that's off topic, boring and
hasn't improved your position with the group. If you want to talk about
Subies, please stick around and talk about Subies. If you can't seem to
keep your discussions to that subject, please take this new found
knowledge and power yourself out of here!

Thank you!

Wow..that's a long post. I may read all that later (Right now, I need
to buy *the car*) ... may be after the semester but the way my luck
has been, I may not have that luxury.

I really didn't intend to make this thread gets long but I don't
think any logical person would agree that some people contribute to it
as well. I understand that people have nerves but do some of these
people really have to take it out on others which seem to be the case
in usenet? My skin is thick now UNlike when I started posting (not with
this username), coincidentally, around 9/11 in soc.culture.egypt to
learn some ancient egyptian cutlure.

Anyway, I am curious to know whether anyone bought 2005 Subaru 2.5GT 4
Dr Sedan (utomatic) lately and HOW MUCH they paid for it, WHEN they
bought it, and WHERE (state) was it bought. Since I got delayed in my
purchase, I might as well wait a few weeks more till 2006 comes out
which I heard would be end of July. [Not interested in buying 2.5i
anymore for personal reason though would be curious about the price.]

I won't be surprised if people don't want to be respond in this thread.
Get your story straight, you tell such fibs that even you cant keep track of them.
I know that I should not be wasting my time responding you but you
entertain me so well with your trolling questions.
Was the fender covered by collision?
Did I say fender or the lower corner of fender near the wheel?
were the eggs (your neighbors know your a head case) covered...did you file it?

Would it help you sub-intelligent mind if I tell you about the
basketball court across from my apartment where the children from the
highschool across the street come and use all the time. Dah.

are are you now going to file it...again?
Why not? The insurance lady think I should. That's what I was paying
big bug for. Dah.
Did you already put the cash in your I mean pocket?
I will put where I like sicko.
Do you have a mattress strapped to your back?
Did you miss taking your meds?
Does your boyfriend/parents/grandparents or room-mate know you write this crap on the computer?
Did you miss taking your meds?
Have you considered counciling from a certified therapist?(NOT a Subaru owners NG)
Did you miss taking your meds?
(Right now, I need to buy *the car*)
I meant starting the process of talking with dealers very soon .. and
finalizing the deal by end of July.
VERY amusing hearing all that blah blah from a troll. Stop wasting
time, space, and bandwith you useless being to the ecosystem.
ENDING this sharing how human beingsshould act but before
I do that let me say that I was in a BIG hurry when I initiated the
post in this thread, because I wanted to be over with all the crap and
concentrate on things I wanted to do - I had a programing assignment
due. Getting nowhere by rushing made me to just not rush anymore and
just now I did a search and found out that there are people who posted
insurance questions in the wrong group and that there are people who
responded gently (like some people have done here). Sorry that I can't
provide the link in order to prevent the troll from going to that
newsgroup. l will only copy and past:

- - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
I am a 21 year old who along with my mother was hit from behind in a
light impact collision.
My mom has a history of back trouble and 2 years before, was hit in
another collision from behind. I have no history of back problems, but it
is getting worse since the collision.

We live in California and our Insurance company is State Farm. The lady
who hit us had State Farm.

It is now approaching a year and the claim will probably be settled
soon. Can you guys give me some advice on how to make sure I don't get
screwed and come out as best as I can?

Boy, I think you are asking the wrong group of people here on the
newsgroup. Folks that participate here are some fine people in
their time but
may be less than sympathetic with you most are in the insurance

Locate a good trial lawyer in your area that specializes in personal
work. The good ones
will speak with you at no expense and will not be trying to get
wealthy by
representing you.

There is more to looking for a lawyer than choosing the one who has the
yellow page
advertisement or the fanciest television ad. In addition lawyers who
general practioners doing
all types of legal work like real estate, tax, corporate, estate
divorce, bankruptcy etc.
may not be the best choice for your case.

Normally I work with established members of the Association of Trial
Lawyers of
America and the
state's trial lawyers association. Not only are they good lawyers but
also very
caring people. They
will talk with you for free and will not be trying to get independently
on your case.

I founded to help folks like you and your mother.
section of the site
is a directory of screened plaintiff's lawyers - find one in your­local/hero.cgi .

Best wishes & God Bless
ENDING this sharing how human beingsshould act but before
I do that let me say (Here come the STUPID excuses)that I was in a BIG
hurry when I initiated the
post in this thread BLAH BLAH BLAH.........

Jeez BITCH! get the message, you continue to post your drivel all over the
Just GO AWAY, they don't want you, they don't like you, you are not
Just go play with your programming class, I'm sure you are great at that,
considering you can't find your big fat ass
with both of your paws.
GO AWAY "Sloth" jeez...what is it with these 300 pound females?
Worry more about beefing up the springs on the left side of your car more
than a few scratches and smashed LEFT fenders.
For your big fat ass you should be shopping for a vehicle powered by a
cummings turbo diesel.
Go trash that insurance group, I am sure they just ***LOVE*** you in there.
Tell them ALL about your pathetic life.
Dr. Rastis Fafoofnik said:
ENDING this sharing how human beingsshould act but before
I do that let me say (Here come the STUPID excuses)that I was in a BIG
hurry when I initiated the
post in this thread BLAH BLAH BLAH.........

Jeez BITCH! get the message, you continue to post your drivel all over the
Just GO AWAY, they don't want you, they don't like you, you are not
Just go play with your programming class, I'm sure you are great at that,
considering you can't find your big fat ass
with both of your paws.
GO AWAY "Sloth" jeez...what is it with these 300 pound females?
Worry more about beefing up the springs on the left side of your car more
than a few scratches and smashed LEFT fenders.
For your big fat ass you should be shopping for a vehicle powered by a
cummings turbo diesel.
Go trash that insurance group, I am sure they just ***LOVE*** you in there.
Tell them ALL about your pathetic life.
Hey Rastis

Tell us how you *realy* feel.

Dr. Rastis Fafoofnik said:
I am sure your insurance company will enjoy reading this in print here.
Are you really this stupid or did someone send you here as a "test"?
If I'm reading this right, she's had about 3 accidents in a month. She
should be an insurance expert by now ;)
If I'm reading this right, she's had about 3 accidents in a month. She should be an insurance expert by now ;)

You are NOT reading right. That's the problem with most people. I
hope you are not a scientist by trade.

The accident are:
1)Curb hitting: mid 2004 (My fault)
(2)Back Bumper and Trunk door damage: March 2005 (Not my fault: hit
while parked in a the parking lot downtown)
(3) Eggs thrown: April 2005 (by Teenagers - most are from the school
across the street - who routinely play at the basketball court facing
my condo; probably did it because my neighbor asked me to come along
when she went and told them around noon one day that they should be at
school; I got in the car right after that hence they knew my car? I
moved 31/2 weeks ago)
(4) Latest accident: May 2005 (Not my fault)

Only because of the last accident where the damage was "broken side
view right mirror + body damage on the right bumper, right fender,
front passenger side door (near the side mirror), rear passenger side
door (the first contact with the other car) that I had NO choice but to
learn about insurance coverage.

I reported only 4 and 1 in that order.
I am sure your insurance company will enjoy reading this in print here.
They are not living off welfare to have time sitting all day long like
you (partly probably because you can't get out of the chair easily with
your 300 lb obese body) to be reading these posts.

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