02/03 Impreza headlights hazing up ... PLEASE read

Just replace them. Ebay and WRX forums usually have some for sale now
and then. Buddy has a set he got for $50. The same goes with the fogs.
What you clean them with is the key.
Bruce L. Bergman said:
Sure there is! They posted flame-bait to multiple antipathetic
groups (people who naturally would have a hard time getting along) to
see if anyone would react, and you swallowed the hook, line, sinker,
and are currently towing their boat across the lake for free. ;-)

And since you can count to eight, you knew it was a massive
crosspost before you responded. Words to the wise: Next time, don't
get pissed and give them the satisfaction of reacting. That's exactly
what they wanted.

Just mark all messages read (or ignore the whole thread), put the
original poster in your twit-filters so if they try it again you won't
see it, and move on. Pretty much everyone else did.

Sheesh. Usenet Noobies, it must be September again and school is
back in session... ;-P

--<< Bruce >>--

Actually, Bruce, I think *your* reply was more what he was fishing for. The
post of first condescension. The apex of argument. An assumption gone bad.
A professer fool you played. An unknowing puppet. You do know... some of
us can think that far ahead?

Sheesh. Usenet Noobies, it must be... ;^)

Lodge your complaint completely, clearly and politely. Wait and see what
happens. I still lean towards enviro or solvent based cause as haven't
seen problem in Oz at all.
In the meantime why not do a magnificent clean with Meguiars Plastx or
whatever people are recommending that works THEN get a set of the adhesive
protector skins that mold to shape on the cover & you trim the excess.
That way, if it is an enviro or cleaning issue, it probably won't return
and if it is a manufacturing fault that should prove it. (BTW the energy
this thread has consumed could run a small town for 6 months) Good luck
roger said:
Yeah, you can also have my address for the bagels----'84 GL wagon,
300,104 miles. Gonna use the bagels for what they are intended, new
wheels for my Delta tablesaw! *Sigh*

How did we attract these flaming comedians to the NG, Don't get me wrong
these guys are the best of the best, LOL LOL LOL LOL
Hey are U gonna send out those bagles with a container of fresh LOX! My
mouth is just dancing a tune of anticipation and dripping much like the
described driveway drippers. to quote "friction burns on his ass!" Where
do you come with these man? May be so bold as to suggest that you start
a new NG where you guys can vent at each other using Yuks Yuks style of
writing, no I mean it, I'm not cutting anybody up here it really did
tickle my funnybone, the one that I was beginning to thnk had gone AWOL.
Well you guys proved to me that it is still buried somewhere in my body.
Remember laughter is best medicine - keep it coming try to out do each
other - post new car cut ups but not our beloved Volvos. Well I guess if
you run out of any viable material you could rant about wiring problems
on 850 series cars eh! But with all the other scrap heap cars out there
how could one possibly run ouy of pricless material. Hey point your
browser to GM, Chryco, or Ford NG's where the poor saps are complaining
about hard to diagnose issues with the proudly built American cars. with
rapid loss of value (depreciation) frequent quirky issues, or
problematic transmissions or fuel and emissions sensors failing faster
than the Iraques fell why do wqe still buy these often yellow with green
topped cars anyway, please somebody tell me why?

Have fun with it - roll with it - begin a new NG

So now the truth comes out. The good doctor really knows absolutely
nothing about the WRX he just likes to bash imports. Lets see, he's
tried throwing engine fires at us. Ok, I'll grant that it might be an
extremely remote possibility. And that's only if the drivers of those
cars didn't listen to the istructions printed right on the gas cap that
Alternator not enough to run everything in the car according to our
expert the doctor. Well, lets just say that I've got more electronics
into my WRX than you've probably got in your house. I'm running the
stock battery and alternator and have yet to see any deterioration in
A/C or lighting.
I'm not going to go down and answer every one of the things you've
listed because it would take all night but lets just say this. If
Subarus are such shit, then how are they rated #6 by Consumer Reports in
customer satisfaction behind such companys as BMW, Mercedes, Lexus,
Acura and other cars costing far more. And where are the american
manufacturers? Far below unfortunately. Believe me, I wish american
manufacturers would build a better car but they are just now starting to
figure it our. Now there is only one thing that I will grant you you
are right about. Subaru dealers are a bunch of shitheads when it comes
to getting things done under warranty, at least if you've got any mods.

And you like NASCAR huh? Have they made any right turns yet? Or gone
over any gravel. How about gone about 100 feet through the air? No,
ok, let's make it simple for you, have they driven in the rain any time
in the last 20 years? Yeah, didn't think so. Any idea why that is?
BECAUSE THE CARS WON'T HANDLE IT!!! And just so we're all clear on my
point, our subaru Impreza WRX does all that at speeds of around 100 mph,
yes on dirt and gravel and snow and mud and rain and any other possible
terrain. And they win doing it. When is the last time any of your
little NASCAR drivers ventured off the track and onto something that
demands more that just speed. How about something like finese and
skill. Oh, and whatever "muscle car" you have that you think is fast,
bring it down to Eastern NC so that I (and my REX) can re-educate you.
midnight02wrx said:
So now the truth comes out. The good doctor really knows absolutely
nothing about the WRX he just likes to bash imports. Lets see, he's
tried throwing engine fires at us. Ok, I'll grant that it might be an
extremely remote possibility.

Not quite.... Most mechanics in my area of
Harrisburg Pa say Subaru engines develop
oil leaks after 5 or so years.

Oil leak + hot subie engine = blue smoketrail behind you
And that's only if the drivers of those
cars didn't listen to the istructions printed right on the gas cap that

....and with the price of crude now over $50 per barrel
you're going to have to pay ***BIG $$$$$*** to fill that tank
with Hi-Test at each fuel stop. Probably better if you just traded for a
Ford Explorer or a Dodge Ram as fuel costs will be
the same with them as with that GAS HUNGRY Subaru AWD !
And just so we're all clear on my
point, our subaru Impreza WRX does all that at speeds of around 100 mph,
yes on dirt and gravel and snow and mud and rain and any other possible

.....all at 100mph? I am sure the local Police will love you for that. (big

The word is out here, that the PA State PD has
the WRX on it's "profiled drivers/car watch list"
for operators most likely to exceed the posted
speed limit. So, if you're driving a WRX on the
PA Turnpike or NE Extension, you had best watch that speedometer
VERY carefully, unless you want to "contribute" $250.00+ to PA
via a piece of heavy stock 7 by 4 cardstock.....(grins)

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