where to buy these for 2005 Subaru legacy wagon

You must be another one obsessed with reading my OLD posts from other
ngs, taking things out of context, coming up with Pakistan. If you are
so bored, read about Burma, where a large population of Muslims and
Chinese reside, and the hatred that the British caused bewteen some
indigenous groups and foreign descendants.

If you still want to call me Pakistani, be my guest. Just know that
during British time, and even in later period, to be able to do
business effectively in Rangoon, dominated by the Indians (Hindus and
Muslims) merchants and businessmen, some indigenous and Chinese learned
Urdu and spoke it fluently.

Now, whoever wants to accuse me for off-topic, be fair to do the same
to Frank who brought unrelated topics to this group.

Lastly, to those who has nothing better to do than accuse me and attack
me, I have no time for all this. So if you'll excuse me, go find
enetrtainment somewhere else.
amanda said:
It's not that I was intentionally trying to be unpleasant. With the

And then went on incessantly about her dying family and all kinds of
other off-topic garbage I'd suspect she made up...


Sit down! Shut up! Listen!

You've got problems. Does that make you unique? Hardly. Everybody goes
through similar trials. It's called "life." And while I'm sure we're all
empathetic to a degree when someone's having trouble, your troubles are
tiring. Why? Because, even if they ARE real, they have NOTHING to do
with what we're talking about here, and NOBODY really likes to have this
stuff tossed in their face time after time.

I don't really care if English is not your primary language. If you're
truly involved in chemistry and computers, it's the language spoken
worldwide in these fields, so get used to using it. Who cares if you're
self-taught or learned it in school or whatever? The language you speak
as a native or as a guest has nothing to do with your basic personality,
which appears to be whining drama queen. Your diatribes would be just as
irritating in Inuit, Swahili, or ancient Aramaic. This isn't
anti-foreigner or immigrant bashing or any other politically incorrect
behavior: it's a simple statement of fact. You're obnoxious. Period.

If you're not familiar with the story already, get a copy of the story
of the boy who cried "Wolf!" You have become that person. Even if you
now have a legitimate question, you've lost your credibility and
established yourself as some kind of moron. I'm surprised ANYONE here
even tries to give you a straight answer any more.

Now, you've paid a fair amount of money to your Subaru dealer for your
new car. As such, if you have questions, go ask the dealer. You have
nothing to contribute here, by your own admission, and instead of
listening to legitimate answers, you'd rather whine and denigrate those
who HAVE tried to answer you before they gave up and took up the old
adage, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend," unwillingly allying
themselves with Dr. Rasty in the premise that you ARE a s___ magnet.

In the past you've called me patronizing, and I've played along because
it's just so hard to ignore a train wreck, but this time I'm dead
serious in asking everyone here to join me in a rousting "Amanda,
there's the door. Don't let it hit you in the a__ on your way out!"

Rick said:
And then went on incessantly about her dying family and all kinds of
other off-topic garbage I'd suspect she made up...


Sit down! Shut up! Listen!

Whatever Rick. I don't have time to read your post.
amanda said:
You must be another one obsessed with reading my OLD posts...BLAH BLAH

Dr. Rasty had it right, I went back and read your posts and his too.
I agree when he said you are a "Shitmagnet".
I agree when he called you a "****". You appear to do nothing but pump these
people for your own personal gain and offer NOTHING
in return. In America that makes you what society calls a "Leech on
society". You **** are a waste of time here. I doubt you even know what a
"Killfile" is but I am sure your at the top of many of them now.
Waste yout time typing here, you wore out your welcome. No one wants you.
From what I have read you are the following.....
1> Piss poor driver, hitting curbs and other vehicles.
2> Illegal alien, and seem proud of it.
3> Enjoy irratating people from the safety of being behind a keyboard.
4> Stump Stupid, put plainly.You have no common sense at all.
5> No one gives a shit that your neice/nephew died, your mother is dying or
YOU die for that matter.You are a "Throw-Away"
6> You have a stupid/lame excuse for all your actions ( sure sign of a
7> No one here gives a rat's ass what you have to say, besides it is all
about YOU anyways.

See ya ****! you are on your way. Personally I hope someone T-Bones you with
a moving truck sometime soon.
You DO NOT get a final word, you are in the killfile now. You stinking
illegal aliens are a dime a dozen. We Americans
do not need you, do not want you and wont tolerate you anymore.
I am taking a break and so getting musement out of your post will be my
fun activity for the day.
Dr. Rasty had it right, I went back and read your posts and his too.
I agree when he said you are a "Shitmagnet".
I agree when he called you a "****". You appear to do nothing but pump these
people for your own personal gain and offer NOTHING
in return. In America that makes you what society calls a "Leech on

Do you SOLELY represent America?
You **** are a waste of time here. I doubt you even know what a
"Killfile" is but I am sure your at the top of many of them now.
The question is "how about you?"
Waste yout time typing here, you wore out your welcome.
No one wants you.
Do you think I care about your opinion?
From what I have read you are the following.....
1> Piss poor driver, hitting curbs and other vehicles.
I never hit any other vehicle since 1999, which was the only time and
not with high speed.
2> Illegal alien, and seem proud of it. Ha..ha..ha.

3> Enjoy irratating people from the safety of being behind a keyboard.
If you give me grabage, you get garbage from me like GIGO.
4> Stump Stupid, put plainly.You have no common sense at all.
Do you want me to care about your opinion?
5> No one gives a shit that your neice/nephew died, your mother is dying or
YOU die for that matter.You are a "Throw-Away"

I never asked any of you to care. My point was about people judging
me quickl as a troll which is typical of dumb people, as far as I am
6> You have a stupid/lame excuse for all your actions ( sure sign of a

And you are writing all those to me to be a winner?
7> No one here gives a rat's ass what you have to say,
So why are you writing all this?
besides it is all about YOU anyways.
If you don't want it to eb ALL about ME, stop reading my post.
See ya ****! you are on your way. Personally I hope someone T-Bones you with
a moving truck sometime soon.
How old are you?
You DO NOT get a final word, you are in the killfile now. Are you sure?
You stinking illegal aliens are a dime a dozen.
Why are you so stupid? Oh... never mind, you are too stupid to know
the reason.
We Americans do not need you, do not want you and wont tolerate you anymore.
Who cares what you don't want and don't need? What do you plan to do
not to tolerate me?

Break over. Thanks for entertaining.
Your life is an open book. As for writing responses that irritate you,
it is like rattling the bars on a monkey cage at the zoo. You are sure
to get a funny reaction ;)
Frank said:
Your life is an open book. As for writing responses that irritate you,
it is like rattling the bars on a monkey cage at the zoo. You are sure
to get a funny reaction ;)

I don't know about "funny". I do get fun upon realizing that some
people like you who are bored to death take apart my posts, analyze
them, and think that they know enough to criticize me while what they
are really doing is gettign entertainment at my expense. I am happy to
be a contributing factor in these boring lives.

If you think you know so much about me just because you know the city I
live (as far as the job, I have changed the type of work, Frank), enjoy
that thought and pat yourself for your detective ability.
amanda said:
I don't know about "funny". I do get fun upon realizing that some
people like you who are bored to death take apart my posts, analyze
them, and think that they know enough to criticize me while what they
are really doing is gettign entertainment at my expense. I am happy to
be a contributing factor in these boring lives.

If you think you know so much about me just because you know the city I
live (as far as the job, I have changed the type of work, Frank), enjoy
that thought and pat yourself for your detective ability.
Late getting back at you but thanks for proving my point ;)

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