Where are the Outback wagon's built?

Non union assembly of a well designed car using quality components
makes for a long lasting vehicle.

Are the foreign companies' (Subaru, Toyota, BMW etc.) US plants all non-union?
What did the UAW think of that?
John said:
Are the foreign companies' (Subaru, Toyota, BMW etc.) US plants all non-union?
What did the UAW think of that?

You can bet that Subaru Japan cars are union-made.
Totally different culture though.
That's what I meant. US auto workers get too much in the way of pay
and benefits . One neighbor was laid off from ford edison, nj plant
yet still was paid.
Are Indiana-built Subies union-made?

Yes, as is my NUMMI built Toyota Tacoma. The same UAW represented
plant ships Japanese market cars OUT of the US.

I think buy-union.com (or .org) has info stating the location and
representation of many US market cars.

Harley guys love their "American choppers" but to my knowledge an American
built (assembled is more like it) hog has more foreign made parts than an
American built Honda Goldwing which is a Japanese bike. Go figure... I bet
it's the same for Honda cars and Subi cars built/assembled in America.
@newssvr11.news.prodigy.com>, m.l.l.o.y.d.u.s.c.
@.y.a.h.o.o...c.o.m says...
I believe they call it a severence package....

Guess it's only ok when management receives it,
Harley guys love their "American choppers" but to my knowledge an American
built (assembled is more like it) hog has more foreign made parts than an
American built Honda Goldwing which is a Japanese bike. Go figure


Harleys now contain lots of CHINESE chrome. <G>
John said:
Is the Indiana plant non-union?

I am surprised that more alt.autos.subaru readers haven't read
the book _On the Line at Subaru-Isuzu: The Japanese Model and
the American Worker_ by Laurie Graham. Look here:
[ http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0875463460 ].

Here is the information about the (non-union) Indiana plant:
[ http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subaru_of_Indiana_Automotive ]
[ http://www.subaru.com/common/about/about_indiana.jsp ]:
[ http://www.subaru-sia.com/ ]
[ http://biz.yahoo.com/ic/120/120065.html ]
[ http://www.theautochannel.com/news/2002/10/31/149777.html ]
There's a problem with unskilled workers can earn a ridiculously high
pay rate along with other unnecessary benefits. This causes their
employer to skimp on quality parts leading to the poor quality of Ford
vehicles. Fires, rollovers etc are common simply because ford cannot
afford to buy top shelf components.

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