When To Replace Battery?

Larry said:
When should I replace my battery if I want to do so before it fails and
won't start the car?

The car is an 04 Impreza 2.5 TS automatic, purchased new in March 04. I
live in southern New Hampshire and do not have a garage, thus the car is
kept outside at night. It currently has approx 80,000 miles.

I know I'll get a variety of opinions, but perhaps I can draw a general
consensus out of them.

Thanks for your help.

I've never been very good at predicting battery failure. But most times
it will give you some hints. Like cranking real slow in the morning.
But even then, giving it a full charge may rejuvenate it. For a while.
You've got the advantage is that the battery is weakest when it's
coldest. So if it will start the car in the morning, it's highly
likely it will start it in the afternoon.

Also, if the battery has even been run down, it will shorten its life.
I've lost batteries is a little as 90 days because I kept forgetting
to turn the lights off.

I've also had some catastrophic failures. Car started right up
on a warm summer day. After parking for three hours, the battery
was completely dead and totally shot. So much for advanced

For expected life, look at the warranty. Than take 80% of that.
Carl said:
Not in the south or south west. I'v only ever had a batt. last 5 years
once. Average is about 2.5 - 3.


Not only do "hot country" batteries not last very long (worst case I've
seen: Sears didn't make ANY money selling my brother in law a DieHard
for his work truck when he lived and worked between Phoenix and Tucson!
IIRC, they replaced either 3 or 4 batteries under warranty in five
years), IME they're more likely to just "drop dead" on you than those
from milder climates. Nothing quite as fun as getting up in the morning,
firing up the car like nothing's wrong, then shutting it off some time
later, and finding the battery gave up while it was waiting for you!

Carrying jumper cables is not only good practice, but I've never had a
battery quit on me while I had cables in the vehicle! Ok, so it sounds
silly, but I swear it's true!

Rebecca said:
Don't be like me because I am a bad car parent, but I replaced what I
am almost certain to be the orginal battery in my 6 year old car this
year after I left one of the interior lights on for about a week and
the battery wouldn't even take a jump. What makes me think this was the
original battery is that I have never seen a Johnson Controls battery
for sale anywhere.

"Johnson Controls" is somewhat of a house brand for W.W. Grainger. They
are one of those "has everything" industrial supply places.

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