To Slick 50, or not to Slick 50? That is the question.

William S. Hubbard said:
Marvel Mystery Oil has unstuck many a stubborn valve or lifter..

Hmmm... And how did that valve or lifter get stuck in the first place?
Lack of proper lubrication with something like Valvoline or Castrol GTX.

Also, on an engine with "hours" Marvel or Wynn's will disolve some of the
carbon deposits and cause piston blow-by and burning oil.

My cat, Tigger has eaten 1000s of meals and drank water from a Teflon lined
bowl for years. He does act squirrelly at times though. Could it be the
Teflon? I would never put my beloved cat in danger like roasting him at 500
+ degrees in a Teflon skillet. Just my thoughts as this thread is so funny.
Don said:
Hmmm... And how did that valve or lifter get stuck in the first place?
Lack of proper lubrication with something like Valvoline or Castrol GTX.

Hmmmm... right back at ya! Now you've got me confused: do you or do you
NOT like Valvoline? Compare your comment above with one of your earlier

"We sold our '97 OB with 60K miles and never had a problem. Avoid
and stick with Valvoline--5-30 from 0-100F. I take it back, I did


Sticky lifters MAY be the result of improper lubrication in any engine
design, but using hydraulic lifters in a flat engine seems to have
caused more than average numbers of problems since at least the days of
Corvairs. I'm not sure anyone's ever really solved it 100%.

Rick said:
Hmmmm... right back at ya! Now you've got me confused: do you or do you
NOT like Valvoline? Compare your comment above with one of your earlier

Hmmm...Hmmm... back at you. <smile> Sorry for the confusion.

I used Valvoline for years in my AJS single 500cc thumper with no problems,
even while laying it down and sucking sand in the carb. I used Castrol GTX
in my '88 Carrera and the local Sub dealer does too.
"We sold our '97 OB with 60K miles and never had a problem. Avoid
and stick with Valvoline--5-30 from 0-100F. I take it back, I did

Sticky lifters MAY be the result of improper lubrication in any engine
design, but using hydraulic lifters in a flat engine seems to have
caused more than average numbers of problems since at least the days of
Corvairs. I'm not sure anyone's ever really solved it 100%.

Didn't know that, Rick. I didn't even know the valves were hydros in the
Sub; they definately weren't in the Carrera. At 80K mi you could still
see the factory hone marks in the cylinder walls when the new buyer had
it taken apart for pre-purchase exam. That sold me on Castrol GTX.
I use 20W-50 Castrol in my '87 Subaru Hatchback and the engine has no
problems and I run it very hard. Of course you will want to use a
lighter weight oil in colder weather. Anyway
the engine has 160k miles on it and I expect it to run another 160k or
more on
Castrol. Iam not a believer in Slick 50 or
any other synthetic oil because I believe that oil should be changed
every 1500 to
3000 miles depending on climate and other driving conditions. I don't
that synthetic oils give any better protection with respect to heat
etc. Any engine especially carbureted engines build up some dirt and
in the oil pan and other parts of the engine----personally I want to get
that stuff out---which is alo why it is a good
idea to not only drain oil on a regular basis but to clean the oil pan
from time to

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