Synthetic Oil ??

any thoughts on using Synthetic oil or not? If I had a turbo I would
definetly use it, but don't think it is as important in a non turbo
motor. Reading about Piston Slap in Subaru's, I let the motor warm up
before driving harder, and figure that should help that.


I just had the oil changed at the dealer* on our Impreza RS2.5 - I had
specified synthetic but they called and said that Subaru doesn't
recommend it for this engine. I think your car has the SOHC 2.5,
right? So, if it were me, while the car is under warranty, I'd use
what is recommended by Subaru.

*No, I don't normally do this but I took it to them to have them fix a
P0446 code that we couldn't resolve.

Dan D
'99 Impreza RS2.5 (son's)
Central NJ USA
Dano58 said:
I just had the oil changed at the dealer* on our Impreza RS2.5 - I had
specified synthetic but they called and said that Subaru doesn't
recommend it for this engine. I think your car has the SOHC 2.5,
right? So, if it were me, while the car is under warranty, I'd use
what is recommended by Subaru.

Do they recommend blends of dino/synthetic? That's what my dealer (Auburn WA
Subaru) uses.
Do they recommend blends of dino/synthetic? That's what my dealer (Auburn WA
Subaru) uses.

Dunno, they just said that 'Subaru doesn't recommend synthetic oil'
and I said fine. I guess I could check the Owner's Manual, but the oil
change was the least of my concerns - looking at $700 to replace the
rear wiring harness to fix corroded wires, so I wasn't too concerned
about what oil they were using! ;-)

Dan D
'99 Impreza RS2.5 (son's)
Central NJ USA
Carl said:
Piston slap is likely gone or much reduced in today's soob engines. They
had a run (Rick - anyone?) several years ago where, in an effort to

Hi, Carl

Memory fails on the exact years they had that problem... I'm kinda
thinking we started hearing of it around 2001-02 models and it went
until maybe around 2004? (I also don't remember if it affected just
Phase I engines, or carried over into the earliest Phase II models?)
Please don't quote me, though! Hopefully someone here's got a better
memory than I!

Bugalugs said:
If you google 'synthetic oil' on this newsgroup you will find thousands
of opinions on the advantages/disadvantages of synthetic and dino oils.

How do we do that? It would be real nice to know!
I just had the oil changed at the dealer* on our Impreza RS2.5 - I had
specified synthetic but they called and said that Subaru doesn't
recommend it for this engine. I think your car has the SOHC 2.5,
right? So, if it were me, while the car is under warranty, I'd use
what is recommended by Subaru.

*No, I don't normally do this but I took it to them to have them fix a
P0446 code that we couldn't resolve.

Dan D
'99 Impreza RS2.5 (son's)
Central NJ USA

I think I'd check with Subaru. I was just reading about the Chrysler
Hemi and their 4-6-8 multi displacement motor and you Must use 5W-20
in for it to work right. It said to Watch it being put in, and dealers
will buy 10W-30 or 40, partly out of Ignorance, or because it is
Cheaper. Maybe they feel the same profit with synthetic, the price
would look excessive.

I have a 07' 2.5i SOHC. Sube says synthetic is fine for it. I bought
some Quaker State "Q" synthetic on sale, and will probably use it when
I change it. I feel synthetics are good for much longer than Sube says
to change it, but being under warranty, I'll change when they say. not
that I want Any mechanic working on my cars, since I often have to
ReDo what they did, or had to sove a problem for pennies, after they
made it a major job to bilk the mfg, but in case I decide to let them
try. I might put what drain out into my 86' Chevy that has 75K on it,
and see how that goes. The Sube will be getting mostly highway miles
on it, and maybe not that many.

I was reading that Sube recomends 5W-30, and said gas mileage is
better. If my brain isn't too damaged, I Think multi vis oils go to
the higher vis at operating temps, and the difference between 5 & 10W
when cold doesn't seem that much. I debated and bought 10W-30. Now
would 5W protect the motor better than 10W when cold, flowing faster
and better, and save that much gas? That's right, I plan to let the
temp gauge start moving before redlineing, and melt some glaciers, so
probably doesn't matter. That 5W will be up to 20W by then.))

I usually pour some keroscene in after draining oil, to flush out as
much dirt as I can with Dino oil. I guess a little kero won't bother
synthetic, but I'd feel better if they made synthetic keroscene.))

I only use Mobil1, expensive, but any time i had removed a valve cover
or done any engine service, I see the justification to keep using it.
No deposits, almost no wear.

I picked up some Quaker State "Q" synthetic. Have you heard anything
about it?? Never used synthetic before, so guess I'll be learning. A
friend swears by Mobil 1 also, in all his cars.

any thoughts on using Synthetic oil or not? If I had a turbo I would
definetly use it, but don't think it is as important in a non turbo
motor. Reading about Piston Slap in Subaru's, I let the motor warm up
before driving harder, and figure that should help that.


Gona go with synthetic in the Sube. The more I read the more I feel
it has advantages, and sounds like it is good for a Lot longer than
Sube oil change intervals, which I always believed. For warranty
pourposes, I'll change it in the Sube, and put what I drain into my
old Chevy, so the costs won't be any more than if I used new dino in
both. No Sludge is one thing that is attractive, along with other
benefits. The Chevy gets a lot of short trips, bearly getting hot.
Neither car will get driven that much. The Chevy alone, only gets
driven about 4Kmi/yr. The Sube may increase the total miles between
the 2, since it was bought to take trips with, so mostly road miles on
the oil.

much dirt as I can with Dino oil. I guess a little kero won't bother
synthetic, but I'd feel better if they made synthetic keroscene.))


They do! Google "synthetic kerosene" and a product called Klean Heat
Kerosene Substitute ought to come up. There may be others. Dunno if it's
available in your area, though.

Rick said:
until maybe around 2004? (I also don't remember if it affected just
Phase I engines, or carried over into the earliest Phase II models?)

Ah, the joys of being left-handed and dyslexic: that should have read
"just Phase II engines, or carried over from the latest Phase I models?"

Sorry 'bout that. But in rereading and thinking over this, I'm pretty
sure it was a Phase II problem. I still may need to be corrected.


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