Synthetic oil or not?

F. Plant said:
2001 legacy with 2.5l engine, 60k km. Parked outside in Canadian winters.
Thinking of trying a synthetic -is it worth while for this vehicle or just a


Uh, Yes!, Uh, I mean NO!, no wait- Yes!

Synth is not mandatory, you will gain _some_ benefits, do what you want.

I'm a synth user myself, I recommend it, if it meets the manufacturer's
specs or better.

Synthetics don't thicken nearly as much as regular oil in the cold, so the
car will definitely be easier to start, besides the superior lubrication
qualities of synthetics.

Ed B.
What's the manual say? I used some Mobil High milage which says
synthetic blend on an ancient Honda with disasterous results. I've had a
fair amount of people say that you need to use synthetics from the
beginning... Sounds like strange science to me.. Still, I don't know
about you but I'm staying away from this -D

I just put in 3 litres of walmart's tech 2000 partial synthetic 5w-30
oil with 1 litre of walmarts tech 2000 0w-30 100%synthetic and i
notice a difference (good or bad). Before I just used regular dino
oil 5w-30. I'm at 23,800kms.

I notice the engine doesn't knock and ping at low revs (manual 2.5TS
2003) but churns out a grumbling sound @1000-2000rpms, that i used to
hear alot when it was new but this time it sounds less angrier, more
hollow sound almost like a muffler of some racer. Its also more
slippery ...I used to shift to 3rd gear when cornering and it seem to
not slowdown as much and provide the control I need to korner as
before. But when I'm speeding I can hit the 5th gear at 1000rpms and
seems to be faster and more forgiving when shifting gears. It's more
quieter with less torque-y noise.

Can anybody explain these? thanks.
You going to change you oil every 3K with synthetic or 7K with synthetic.
My wife's 02 Audi goes 10K between changes via the dealer. I change it at 5k
by just dumping the oil. 10K is too long.
If you change at 3K then why bother. Synthetic can go for 7 to 10K so the
money is worth it. Only other reason is if you have a turbo.

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