Subary consumer affairs

That would explain the long face...:)

And how do you know that?

I think it's enough entertainment picking on me. I gotta go.
Frank said:
Rumor is Pakistan kicked her out and now we're stuck with her.
I, for one, had hoped she would not buy another Subaru ;)

Uncle Al has become such a troll in the past 1 1/2 years and you seem
to be following his steps. It seems to happen with age in some people.
So I forgive you for I know, as I said yesterday in sci.chem that you
are just trying to get some attention.
amanda said:
To non-trolls, I'll vsiit you when i have questions on Subary.


Come on, Ms Troll, you can at least spell the name right. Or can you?

Rick Courtright said:
Please do.


She probably meant she had to go to the bathroom. I predict she will be
If she'd learn how to sew on buttons and button her lip, maybe Pakistan
would take her back ;)
Just curious. Why Pakistan? I would love to visit the beautiful land
of Kashmir (referred to as the 'Switzerland of the East') when it is
safe to do so.

Interesting that you keep trolling but Rick wouldn't say a thing to
you. Biased, isn't it?
amanda said:
Interesting that you keep trolling but Rick wouldn't say a thing to
you. Biased, isn't it?

Dear Ms Troll,

Are you dyslexic or what? YOU are the one doing the trolling around
here. I haven't seen a need to respond to Frank since I'm pretty much in
agreement with him when he expresses his displeasure at your behavior.
You, on the other hand, are the one who keeps setting yourself up for
ridicule, and while I tried to be nice to you at first, it's become
apparent your ~raison d'etre~ is to be the recipient of barbs from those
who don't suffer fools lightly. You remind me of the Black Knight in the
Monty Python movie--hollering "come back and fight, you lily-livered
coward" as he lies on the ground missing all his limbs. So, yeah, my
bias is showing.

Most people I know buy a new car and go out and drive it, wash it,
polish it, maybe read the owner's manual to see what it does their old
one didn't, etc. People who buy a new car (oh, that yours would have
been a Chevy) and then spend endless hours on the Internet whining about
every little thing, all the while complaining they don't have time to do
simple things, must live truly pathetic lives. But in its defense,
Usenet does give us an opportunity in an otherwise PC world to make fun
of the retards. Most unmoderated NGs seem to develop one or two such
characters--I offer my congratulations that you've firmly entrenched
yourself as our top resident idiot savant! (I wonder if Dr. Rasty's
feelings are hurt?)

So why don't you go out, drive your new car into a coupla curbs, trees
or whatever you drove your old one into, and start a new thread whining
about the quality of the body shop? I'll bet you could draw that out in
the same tediously endless fashion of your other posts...


I don't have to finsih reading your offensive post. People who are
truly nice, remain nice w/o jumping to judgemental conclusion.
amanda said:
Just curious. Why Pakistan? I would love to visit the beautiful land
of Kashmir (referred to as the 'Switzerland of the East') when it is
safe to do so.

Interesting that you keep trolling but Rick wouldn't say a thing to
you. Biased, isn't it?

Thought you were a Pakistani. Wonder if you are really female?
Thought you were a Pakistani. Does that mean you read the posts of that fundi Indian guy ..ah ..what's his name?..Rasvi or something like that who accuses anyone that doesn't agree with him in his attacks on the Muslims as Pakistanis. You have been fooled.
Wonder if you are really female?
Wonder away. Not my problem.
I thought we already established that she/he is really Fafoofnik's alter


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