I don't doubt Subarus as a quality auto manufacturer, but I think like all
car makers of today in an industry that is under pressure to cut costs and
add more value while increase efficiency, it really makes you wonder how is
it possible for high quality cars to exist?
I believe some people might be lucky in getting a reliable working machine
while others might just be unlucky in getting a lemon. Despite mass
production I still don't believe no two cars are made 'exactly' the same.
(not counting colours and specs

) So unless there is a complete research
and independently compiled data, it is hard to judge a brand or the vehicle.
(probably easier to get the data in US than in Aus)
I understand your concern about the quality etc. I mean after all who would
want to buy a lemon and getting all the frustration after spending all that
money. I faced the same issues when I first looked at buying my '04 OB. But
in the end I took on the risk because I like the car more. People who like
or treasure their possessions are often less critical of it.
Just think of it this way.
1. Subaru didn't get where they are by making unreliable cars.
2. Do you like the car and the attributes it offers? If not and you just
want a reliable transport then please go to Toyota or Lexus
3. If cars are too reliable.... how in the world are the factories gonna
make money to develop better models for u?
If all else fails and you did get a lemon.. then just sell it and get
another car. Look on the bright side you get to try out all kinds of cars
within a short period.