Subaru Fiori

hippo said:
Too true! Seeing Oz is a rather big island, can you give a vague
inidcation of what bit you're in? There's probably stuff all that'd help
where I am at the moment, but I may have some ideas for a couple of other
parts of the country, speshly in NSW! Cheers

Hi Hippo,

Looks like your down Shoalhaven way, or at least the South Coast somewhere.
I'm west of Sydney, out near Penrith. I had my Subaru Liberty serviced at
'Subaru Kingswood' for 12 years and got to know the young mechanics fairly
well but since then, they have relocated to Penrith (5 or so kilometres
further away). It was one of these guys I was talking to this morning who
informed that Subaru could no longer help with the Fiori. I traded in my '91
Liberty in 2003 but the wife's '91 Fiori we still have, she loves's
her mobile shopping cart...costs her nothing to run and can park it
anywhere. Ah well, nothing lasts forever.

Hi Hippo,
Looks like your down Shoalhaven way, or at least the South Coast
I'm west of Sydney, out near Penrith. I had my Subaru Liberty serviced at
'Subaru Kingswood' for 12 years and got to know the young mechanics fairly

well but since then, they have relocated to Penrith (5 or so kilometres
further away). It was one of these guys I was talking to this morning who
informed that Subaru could no longer help with the Fiori. I traded in my
Liberty in 2003 but the wife's '91 Fiori we still have, she loves's
her mobile shopping cart...costs her nothing to run and can park it
anywhere. Ah well, nothing lasts forever.

Yep - got it in one- the byootiful Shoalhaven! If you haven't already
tried them, give Riverside Spares a ring. Might also be worth ringing
Northern Wreckers. If Les is there, tell him a pom from Granville
suggested you talk to him. Never any promises with spares but both worth a
try going on past experiences. Otherwise, there's occasionally one or two
whole ones going for spares on ebay. Trouble is, most of them usually seem
to be in Qld or the NT... Cheers
Graham said:
Hi Hippo,

Looks like your down Shoalhaven way, or at least the South Coast somewhere.
I'm west of Sydney, out near Penrith. I had my Subaru Liberty serviced at
'Subaru Kingswood' for 12 years and got to know the young mechanics fairly
well but since then, they have relocated to Penrith (5 or so kilometres
further away). It was one of these guys I was talking to this morning who
informed that Subaru could no longer help with the Fiori. I traded in my '91
Liberty in 2003 but the wife's '91 Fiori we still have, she loves's
her mobile shopping cart...costs her nothing to run and can park it
anywhere. Ah well, nothing lasts forever.


You might try posting at . Used to be 1 or 2
antipodeans lurking there and those guys are very adept at keeping soobs
- even old ones - on the road.

good luck

hippo said:
"Graham" <(e-mail address removed)> Oct 23, 2007 at 06:48 AM

Yep - got it in one- the byootiful Shoalhaven! If you haven't already
tried them, give Riverside Spares a ring. Might also be worth ringing
Northern Wreckers. If Les is there, tell him a pom from Granville
suggested you talk to him. Never any promises with spares but both worth a
try going on past experiences. Otherwise, there's occasionally one or two
whole ones going for spares on ebay. Trouble is, most of them usually seem
to be in Qld or the NT... Cheers

Thanks to 'Carl' and 'Hippo'. I will try your suggestions.

Hi Todd!

"Graham's message you uqoted this with is plain text and contains no

What the hell this this mean??? I have no idea :)))
Is this what you want me to report to Avast? No can do!

What is the problem with top posting? To read it over and over
again 'till every gets it. Since you have a "reputation", I'm sure
you don't need that... <grin>...<grin>...

As allways, Todd
entertaining talking to you.. H...

BTW. To get that milage on "your" pads... stick shift?
number 9 said:

Hi Number 9!

Some quick reading for your infatuation with someone having the
temerity to mention top posting as a negative even though your
unfotunate choice of news reader from the standards-ignoring folks at
Microsoft puts the cursor at the top:

Though in this group, no one gets to up in arms about a top post
unless you've done something else silly. (For example, retitle/hijack
someone's thread "The 2 posts above are virus crap!!!" when no one
knows what the heck you're talking about.) There are some groups
where people are rather merciless to top posters.

I also see that in you are seeking help for a virus
infection on your computer. I'd suggest throwing in the towel on a
cleanup, get your data off to an external drive, and reformatting and
reinstalling XP from original media from behind a hardware firewall.
You'll be back up and running to a known clean state much more quickly
than you can jump down the endless wormhole of trying to patch up a
modern malware infection.
BTW. To get that milage on "your" pads... stick shift?

To borrow your words, I might ask "What the hell this this mean?" But
I won't, because I'm afraid I've lost interest.

I will offer that I have an automatic, though I'm not sure how a
standard transmission would adversely affect brake pad wear.

The point of that discussion (more appropriately discussed in the
thread where that discussion occurred I might add) was simply that I
and others have experiences that suggest that straying from OEM pads
on Subarus seems to be an iffy proposition at best. But as they say,

Be well. And I hope you get over your (first?) usenet flame soon. Or
will you be seeking my attention on all future posts?

Best Regards,

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