Etienne said:The Suburu Auto AWD is not the same as the Honda and should not be
compared. The Subuaru system is a proactive system. I see little or no
disadvantage with the Auto AWD when compared to the manual AWD. It is
a proactive system. I have tested this out, and it is very difficult
if not impossible to generate wheel spin.
Case #1: Raining Day. Flooring gas pedal from a traffic light. The AWD
system automatically shift power to rear wheels to compensate for the
weight transfer. In fact in this case, I think it is better than the
50/50 in the manual system, since the manual system waits to slip
before transfer power!!!!
I think it is very difficult to get a wheel to spin just on a wet
surface if you start from 50-50. Remember, each wheel only needs ~1/2
the traction it requires with FWD or BWD, now. If you have the rear
LSD, you are even better off due to the dynamic weight distribution.
So in this case, the AT tries hard to be about as good as the manual.
Case #2: Ice Storm. Again same as above flooring from a traffic light.
No slippage what so ever. AWD system already compensates for weight
transfer to rear wheels!!!
This example I give to you. But then I can come up with plenty other
examples of real world driving, where it is better to be 50-50 from the
outset during driving (not from a dead stop).
Also, once you are a bit up to speed in the AT, it will basically turn
into FWD until it senses or comes into the next problem situation.
Then the rear kicks in, and if you happen to be in a turn at that time,
you will probably say "Whoa! Where did this come from?".
When it is ~ continuosly slippery, the fluid in the MT will be thick all
the time, so it is pretty much locked, no sudden changes there.
- D.