Stormtroopers And Gestapo Turned Loose In New Orleans

If it was the "old white lady" I saw, they only "dragged her from her home"
because she had a pistol in her hand (only was on camera for a second or
two). I don't think they've /generally/ started evicting by force (yet).

Look everybody, a government shill. How dare the old woman have a firearm to protect herself and
the sanctity of her home against marauding sissy-boys wearing jack-boots, right Bill?

Hey Bill, if you kicked-in an old woman's door would you be afraid of her? I think you would - YOU
PUSSY. -Danny
Because those people who can live "OK" today will be the ones needing
medical evacuation tomorrow.

I'd be happy to buy you a ticket to leave any time. I'm sure there are
many countries around the world where one can live in more freedom than
in America.

Look everybody, a government shill. Notice the lowest common deniminator statement. (America isn't
as bad as a 3rd world nation - yet). -Danny
I hope you can find some much-needed solace in the knowledge that you're far
from alone in your sadness that you're an American.

Look everyone, a government shill.

I hope a jack-booted thug mistakes you for a citizen and throws you into the dungheap. Nothing
would be better for you than to be caught up in your own chutzpa, you dick. -Danny
I suspect that what *I* see in that comment will fly straight over his head
and hit the wall with a resounding *splat*

Wow, funny. Folks gettin' yanked out of their homes just like in nazi Germany, rounded up and put
into camps, and your making jokes? Government shill? At the very least, your a dick. -Danny
Not only do they want the firearms, they OBVIOUSLY need them. Anybody who
can watch the total chaos which ensued when law enforcement broke down and
the criminal element ran wild and NOT see the need for private firearms has
their blinders on.

Sorry to hear that YOU commit crimes with firearms. Law-abiding citizens do not.

That's what differentiates you from us. -Danny

(Government shill folks.)
I hope you can find some much-needed solace in the knowledge that you're far
from alone in your sadness that you're an American.

Government shill. -Danny
I was tempted to comment but what has that got to do with Subarus. I had
read that the Gestapo were taking away peoples guns but had not heard about
their Subarus being confiscated.

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