STi owners, how old?

You all probably know this but the 05 STI has all the audio trimmings and
auto AC.

That blasted car is not helping me come up with a valid reason why I
shouldn't buy it.

I put a stereo in my STi. Most of the time the OEM radios are
overpriced and the quality is just a little under par. In my case I
wanted an MP3 player and Subaru doesn't offer that option.

The only valid reasons I can come up with for not owning the STi is,
It has a stiff ride, a lot of road noise and the insurance is
expensive. But, all these factors tie into factor that it is a sports
car. And when you drive it, you know without a doubt that it's a
sports car!
Wow! 60 lbs isn't all that much difference. But, then again, they
left out a radio an floor matts on the STi to save weight. And how
much weight can that be? 10 lbs?
But, the strangest thing of all is that the STi weights in at 200
pounds more than the STD WRX. Sure the STi has 500cc's of additional
displacement. But, you wouldn't think that would add 200 lbs.
I'm sure it has something to do with a heavier duty transmission or


I may be making stuff up, but I will swear I can feel a difference in
acceleration with my STi between a full tank of gas and a quarter

The difference is about 10 gallons of gas or about 70 pounds weight.
I may be making stuff up, but I will swear I can feel a difference in
acceleration with my STi between a full tank of gas and a quarter

The difference is about 10 gallons of gas or about 70 pounds weight.

I can feel the the same difference in my WRX wagon. 70 lbs. is about
a 2% difference in weight. It's equivalent to a small passenger.
I can feel the the same difference in my WRX wagon. 70 lbs. is about
a 2% difference in weight. It's equivalent to a small passenger.
I know there used to be a rough formula for calculating how many
tenths of a second removing weight takes off your 1/4 mile time.

I can tell you with 3 passengers there is a huge performance penalty.
Depending on your passengers that can ad over 600 pounds. It sure
makes the car feel like a slug.
White STi down the road from me - owner approaching 50.

So I am almost the youngest here then. Late twenties, bought my STi with
money I earned myself. (I.e. no silver spoon.) Lovin' every minute of it.
So I am almost the youngest here then. Late twenties, bought my STi with
money I earned myself. (I.e. no silver spoon.) Lovin' every minute of it.

It's usually not the price of the STi that gets you but the stinking
increase in insurance! And I am a very low insurance risk. In my
late 20's the price of insurance would have been astronomical. Likely
more than the payment on the car.
I hear it rumored that a large percentage of STi owners trade their
cars in within the first year of ownership. I wonder how true that
statement is?
BlueSTi said:
It's usually not the price of the STi that gets you but the stinking
increase in insurance! And I am a very low insurance risk. In my
late 20's the price of insurance would have been astronomical. Likely
more than the payment on the car.
I hear it rumored that a large percentage of STi owners trade their
cars in within the first year of ownership. I wonder how true that
statement is?

I'll get rid of mine when I am ready to get another one. I love the car.
It's usually not the price of the STi that gets you but the stinking
increase in insurance! And I am a very low insurance risk. In my
late 20's the price of insurance would have been astronomical. Likely
more than the payment on the car.
I hear it rumored that a large percentage of STi owners trade their
cars in within the first year of ownership. I wonder how true that
statement is?

I bought an STi this year and three months later the company I work
for anounced that they were moving our lab to a part of the country I
don't think I can live in. So, I stand a reasonable chance of loosing
my job.I can live with a lower paying McJob and support my family,
though not in the lifestyle we prefer (I've been rich and I've been
poor and, all else being equal, poor sucks!).

I can stand the loss of prestige, I can stand the loss of the house, I
can stand the loss of the stereo and the retirement account, but the
STi: no way man! It's time to send the wifey out to drum up some spare
cash on the corner ;-)

It's usually not the price of the STi that gets you but the stinking
increase in insurance! And I am a very low insurance risk. In my late
20's the price of insurance would have been astronomical. Likely more
than the payment on the car.

You mean more for a year's worth of insurance than a single payment on the
car, right? Definitely. That's a given in my case. It's about one
payment-and-a-half, but I gladly fork it up and pay in full every year.
I hear it rumored that a large percentage of STi owners trade their cars
in within the first year of ownership. I wonder how true that statement

Long as the car runs, I'm not dead, and I've still got a regular
paycheque, I won't be trading in the car at the end of the year. I
guess I'll have to prove that statement in the upcoming months.
Yeah, it's because they've lost their drivers licenses. I'd guess that the
average post-STi tenure 'till suspension is about 6 months in New York State
(3 strikes in 2 years and you're out, or potentially after one strike at 30+
Yeah, it's because they've lost their drivers licenses. I'd guess that
the average post-STi tenure 'till suspension is about 6 months in New York
State (3 strikes in 2 years and you're out, or potentially after one
strike at 30+ over).

Wow that's lame. Sorry to hear that. *scribble scribble* more reasons not
to move to the U.S..

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