So you think a Subaru is for YOU...

my first forester, I picked it up at night, and the next day drove it to
Florida. Noticed the car was steering to the right a little bit. So took it
to a dealer in Florida and had to get the car in line for the service
department. There were eight Jeep Cherokee's in the line, and me in my
Forester! Mine turned out to be that the dealer had not lowered the air on
the right side of the car - I guess they pump them up when they are on the
truck. But all those Cherokee's, I was thinking to myself that I had made a
good choice. And I had, the car was great, so much so that I bought another
Patrick said:
I hope I do not sound rude but if you hate Subaru's, Why are you in this
newsgroup? Why not spend your time in a newsgroup that you actually like?

He's probably having a hard time finding alt.dumb.horsesass.

Your reliability problems are caused because US market Subaru's are
manufactured in US.... HA HA HA

So are Toyota Camrys.

There are some engineering choices that can lead to problems - mainly centered
around the 2.5l engine. The US market was asking for more torque in an automatic
transmission car, so SOA most likely sent their engineers to adapt a base-
version of their bored-out WRC engine for mass-production. You can't turbo it
without reinforcing the block and the head gaskets may fail over time. My 98 GT
has 102k miles and hasn't had a problem.

That's it, really - everything else is a factor of how much technology is built
into a car. E.g.: If you have power windows, they will fail after raising and
lowering xxx times. If you have manual windows, the handle will come off. Such
is life.

If you're a relatively intelligent person, you figure it out, take a screwdriver (
or find a good mechanic) and fix what's wrong. If you need help finding out what
the problem is and no one can help you, you consult this newsgroup. If nothing
helps, you sell the car, buy another brand and deal with different problems but
why should you ever look back?

The trolls who popped up on this NG as of late are just that. I find them
entertaining, but they do suffer from problems far greater than those of the
subarus they so despise.

I have 231,000 km (143,000 miles) on my Loyale wagon.

a.. 3 new clutches (getting close to a 4th)

Three clutches? Maybe manuals aren't for you?
b.. 4 sets of front drive shafts
c.. 3 new sets of front axle-hub bearings
d.. three front brake jobs
e.. 1 new oil pump
f.. 4 water pumps
g.. 1 alternator
h.. A/C doesn't work any more
i.. Replaced the heater fan resistor
j.. 5 sets of tires
k.. Replaced steel rims with cast Al rims - outrageous
vibration (led to bearing failures)

You've hit a curb, bent the Alu wheel and didn't replace it...
l.. Head gaskets
m.. Valve cover gaskets
n.. Intermittent electrical problems
o.. Failed rear bearing caused wheel to separate
p.. Clock stopped working <snip>
q.. Catalytic converter failed (honeycomb came
adrift internally and blocked off the downstream orifice)

... and you've cooked your cat by driving 10k miles with the "check engine"
light on?
r.. Front alignment problems
s.. Rusting around windshield frame and other b

You'd have a couple of valid points there if you didn't throw so much evidence
of your own negligence in there.

Florian said:
So are Toyota Camrys.

There are some engineering choices that can lead to problems - mainly centered
around the 2.5l engine. The US market was asking for more torque in an automatic
transmission car, so SOA most likely sent their engineers to adapt a base-
version of their bored-out WRC engine for mass-production. You can't turbo it
without reinforcing the block and the head gaskets may fail over time. My 98 GT
has 102k miles and hasn't had a problem.

That's it, really - everything else is a factor of how much technology is built
into a car. E.g.: If you have power windows, they will fail after raising and
lowering xxx times. If you have manual windows, the handle will come off. Such
is life.

If you're a relatively intelligent person, you figure it out, take a screwdriver (
or find a good mechanic) and fix what's wrong. If you need help finding out what
the problem is and no one can help you, you consult this newsgroup. If nothing
helps, you sell the car, buy another brand and deal with different problems but
why should you ever look back?

The trolls who popped up on this NG as of late are just that. I find them
entertaining, but they do suffer from problems far greater than those of the
subarus they so despise.

Very well put.

I've been hanging around this NG for about 5 years now. One of the things
that initially surprised me back then was both the courtesy and lack of
trolls, which of course are both somewhat unusual on a Usenet NG. In truth,
we did have one resident troll back then, but he actually loved Subarus and
kept his trolling on a more personal level. However, a couple months after
the US release of the WRX, Subaru gained some popularity points and we
started getting trolls.

Considering that, I'm simply inclined to believe that at least some of them
are envious adolescents who are upset that their teal Chevrolet Beretta will
never come close to rivaling a WRX. (Or a Loyale for that matter.)

What's the matter? Did some little WRX smoke your Ford truck and you are
pissed about it?


Actually tho, from listening to him, I'd say he
got canned (sacked) from either a Subaru
dealership or SOA corporate.

Such is life!
I'm going back to Toyotas. Never had a lick of problems with my Corolla or
two LandCruisers. The 2005 RAV4 gets great mileage, has 5 star front AND
side impact ratings; has a viscous differential for torque splitting (they
copied Subaru on that one - see Subaru ain't ALL bad) and costs less than a
Impreza 2.5 TS wagon. Sayonara, baby.

And Toyotas AREN'T crap??? Worst damn car I ever owned was a Corolla.
Would't even consider buying one of their POS cars ever again.

I'll admit Subarus were pretty crappy back in the 70s & 80s between
the rust and the engines that only seemed to last 75,000 mi or so, but
they seem to have gotten it right in the past 10 years or so. I'll
admit they aren't for everybody but they seem to stand up pretty well
these days. Yeah, they're kind of ugly, but that seems to be part of
their charm.
Anyone claiming hundreds of thousands of miles or kilometers "trouble-free"
with their Subaru must be from an alternated dimension (or state of mind).
I simply don't believe them.

The same could be said for all the Toyota hype. Mediocre cars.
Miserable to work on. Uncomfortable as hell. Ergonomics suck. Never
figured out why they got such a good image.
in message
Don't ya just LOVE it! if you post something in praise of these little
shitboxes..your cool...if you post something you DON'T like about shitty
Subaru's...your a "Troll,Idiot or jerk" hahahaha
Sorry guys, I think these cars are pure junk! Have personally known former
Subaru owners, seen them burning on the freeway and read plenty of
complaints about them.

I'll admit that the cars sucked in the 70s and 80s, but they've
improved immensely in the last 15 yr. or so. It seems to be a brand
with an intense cult either love 'em or you hate 'em.
While I can't say I'm real "imprezzed" with the Impreza/WRX, the
wagons are pretty decent cars.
Hallraker said:
Considering that, I'm simply inclined to believe that at least some of them
are envious adolescents who are upset that their teal Chevrolet Beretta will
never come close to rivaling a WRX. (Or a Loyale for that matter.)

Omigosh, Matt! You're not saying "Jimmy" is back, are you?

Bobby The D said:
I'll admit that the cars sucked in the 70s and 80s,

Back in the day, whenever I looked at a used one, they
leaked lots of oil out of the valve cover gaskets, and were
horribly underpowered.

My impression of Subes has changed a lot since then. I really
like 'em these days.
...Your reliability problems are caused because US market Subaru's are
manufactured in US.... HA HA HA

Wrong. US Foresters come from Japan. Or, at least they did, if they don't
now. Or, at least my '04 did, no question.

It's unfortunate that anyone would rely on this NG to make a purchase
decision. Wonderful repair advice is available here, but an amateur
survey of owner satisfaction-type posts is so statistically
insignificant as to be absurd. I have a 99 Outback (made in Indiana)
that has been wonderful, but I don't post here just to announce it.
On the other hand, the people with problems do post here (like the guy
just the other day who wants to sell his WRX b/c the headlight lens is
clouded! Sheesh). If you really want to make an educated decision
and post accurate information on the NG, check Consumer Reports,
edmonds, etc. -- your take on Subaru quality flies in the face of
these owner satisfaction surveys.
Why did you keep the car so long?

Even doing all the work myself, I would have unloaded it long before 2 years
worth of monthly maintenance, I don't care who made the car.
Coming to Subaru from a Jeep Cherokee I can confirm your thoughts on
reliability. :)

That's not what makes you a troll. I have expressed my opinions about what I
do not like about my Subaru, but I also share what I like about them as

Granted Subaru has some things to improve upon, but they do make a great
vehicle. I like to work on my own vehicles and it's nice to open the hood
and see the engine pointed the proper direction. I am not irritated when a
car breaks down if I am able to make the repairs myself with reasonable

Cars are imperfect devices built by imperfect people. They are going to
breakdown from time to time. The severity of the breakdown and the ease of
repair are two factors that keep me happy with my purchase. So far the
Subaru is what I need in a car. The time may come that I become dissatisfied
with them and move on to another vehicle. When that time comes, I will not
spend all of my free time in this NG whining about how bad Subarus are. I
think that is part of what makes a "troll".

Henry Paul

Don't ya just LOVE it! if you post something in praise of these little
shitboxes..your cool...if you post something you DON'T like about shitty
Subaru's...your a "Troll,Idiot or jerk" hahahaha
Sorry guys, I think these cars are pure junk! Have personally known former
Subaru owners, seen them burning on the freeway and read plenty of
complaints about them.
I like Subies and Toyotas. In fact, right now there is a '84 Supra in
my driveway and an '02 Subie Outback -- oh and hubby's '93 Ford Escort
wagon (which is actually a Mazda).


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