Return of the Samurai!

  • Thread starter Carl 1 Lucky Texan
  • Start date
that on Muslims now. <<

They snuck us on 9/11 but he're crusading now to handle them

it's a German company now<<

Germany committed no aggression towards the US in WWII. Hitler was a
european problem. The nips committed many atrocities against American,
Pearl Harbor Bataan and every prison camp our boys suffered in.. I
have no moral objection to buying German products. I'd love to have a
Porsche in fact. Germans are known for precision equipment and theri
equipment in WW2 was no exception. I would probably avoid Chrysler for
quality concerns rather than moral ones.

It seems you need to check up on the U-boat war.
It seems you need to check up on the U-boat war. <<

That was on;y after we declared war on them and they were forved to
defend themselves
China is not a problem. There;s just a lot of them to kill.

Do you drool all over your keyboard when you type this stuff? Or do your
caretakers put a bib on you first?

Why'd you have to post this? I won't buy Mitsubishi products due tp
producing the Zero and other planes that sunk the Arizona and put 1000
of our boys on the bottom. Now Subaru has a bloodstained past too!!!
At least Isuzu only built vehicles such as trucks. Now I guess I wont
buy another subaru .

Can't we get back to the Republican vs Democrat debate? It's much more relevant. :^) -Danny
"That was on;y after we declared war on them and they were forved to
defend themselves "

My god, you're an ignorant fool. Hitler had a mutual defense pact with
Japan & declared war on the US AFTER we declared war on Japan following
Pearl Harbor. The notion that Americans of Japanese ancestry were more
of an apparent threat in the US than those with German background is
also incorrect. A number of sabotage missions were undertaken by
German spys in the US, including at least one involving Germans who had
lived here for more than a decade before the war and were delivered by
U-boat to the east coast. In addition, many areas of this country had
active groups of Nazi sympathizers, complete with uniforms & swastika
flags, such as the "Friends of New Germany" in 1936 and later the
"Amerikadeutscher Volksbund" or "German American Bund". These groups
were made up mostly of individuals of Germanic descent. Although never
amounting to much more than comic wannabes of their German
counterparts, they were quite visible for a time and were openly
pro-Nazi & anti-semitic. One Bund meeting in 1939 at Madison Square
Garden in NYC drew some 20,000 participants. Nothing remotely like
this existed in this country on the Japanese side. There are basically
2 reasons the Japanese were singled out 1) racism 2) the real estate
interests on the west coast, particularly California, used the
internment as an excuse to cheaply grab Japanese American property.


BTW, my understanding (as an EVO owner ;-) is that Mitsubishi made the
airframe for the Zero, but not the engines.
Tim said:
If it's a well-known Japanese constellation, it must be visible to us
as well, as we are in the same (Northern) hemisphere.

And it is. The Pleiades. The Seven Sisters.

--Tim May

Do they call it the six sisters? I see six stars in the logo.
Rick Courtright said:
Do you drool all over your keyboard when you type this stuff? Or do your
caretakers put a bib on you first?

Mammals and humans in particular are a murderous
genre by nature/instinct. I think it comes from our
predatory past, yeah, ...not only past!

This thread has deteriorated into a restatement of our
worst mammalian nature. It started just as an inquiry
into a perceived inappropriatness of Subaru's publicly
embracing an aviation heritage while naming their cars
after or similar to US. bombers (working names such as
B-5, B-9), but it went beyond that quickly.

I think Subaru should stop doing this, unless of course
they plan to be eventually competing with the Hummer,
and other American-German gangster type cars, such
as Chrysler300 etc. If that is the case, then they
are on the right path, and this is just a sneek peek into
the future. A future where roads are filled with an armada
of cocky names and armoured looking vehicles with names
such as: The AK-47, the M16, A1Abrams, U-505 as in
U-boat, and many many more.

Tim May wrote: (snip) (snip)
Do they call it the six sisters? I see six stars in the logo.

No, the idea is that one can't be easily seen, but there are various
legends about which one it is and why.

-- Mark
My god, you're an ignorant fool. Hitler had a mutual defense pact with
Japan & declared war on the US AFTER we declared war on Japan following

Pearl Harbor. <<

No evidence shows Hitler pondered any aggressions towards the US until
the nips hit Pearl.
active groups of Nazi sympathizers, complete with uniforms & swastika
flags, such as the "Friends of New Germany" in 1936 and later the
"Amerikadeutscher Volksbund" or "German American Bund". <<

Yes they met in several New Jersey towns. What is wrong with being
proud to be Germanic? Being a Nazi has no bearing on whether or not
someone was a good American.

2 reasons the Japanese were singled out 1) racism 2) the real estate
interests on the west coast, particularly California, used the
internment as an excuse to cheaply grab Japanese American property<<

1) The heathen savages who tortured our boys on the Death March showed
what the jap was capable of.. To turn them loose in our society was
asking for trouble. Internment was 100% effective in preventing
2) California land in the 40's was still cheap .It was a desert after
Tim May said:
If it's a well-known Japanese constellation, it must be visible to us
as well, as we are in the same (Northern) hemisphere.

And it is. The Pleiades. The Seven Sisters.

--Tim May

I am told the word also means "beauty" in Japanese... but I don't really

Mark Carroll said:
No, the idea is that one can't be easily seen, but there are various
legends about which one it is and why.

-- Mark

I know! It's the seventh one. (I couldn't stop myself.)

Tom Reingold said:
Do they call it the six sisters? I see six stars in the logo.

This is all well-established astronomy. Apparently the Greeks could see
seven, and there are many more than six in the cluster. Whether their
eyesight was especially acute or the skies were darker, the historical
Western name is "the Seven Sisters."

Google it.

What some post-Hiroshima Japanese could see in the shadow of their
smokestacks is another matter.

--Tim May
On 1 Nov 2005 16:22:44 -0800, (e-mail address removed) wrote:
Can't we get back to the Republican vs Democrat debate? It's much more relevant. :^) -Danny

Wait, wait--javario has forgotten about the Civil
War, too---since he's a Northerner, all that
Confederate, Southern stuff is a no no...whoops,
no more pecan pie at Thanksgiving, and no more
KFC. Don't even think about pulled pork.
MN said:
they plan to be eventually competing with the Hummer,

I wonder if the working girls hangin' on the corner I pass going to work
might take offense...
U-505 as in U-boat

(Pe) U (geot) 505 perhaps...
and many many more.

KIA? Not a good acronym amongst my military acquaintances...

Seems there are way too many ways people get their knickers in a knot
over alphabet soup car names. Audi has their "A" series cars (at least
they don't call their A-6 the "Intruder,") M-B their "C" and others, why
not slip in some "Bs" from Subaru (as long as they don't step on Volvo's
B-18s and B-20s?) Do the British royals ever get upset about Ford's
Crown Victoria? And how many people in the advertising dept that came up
with Saab's "born from jets" campaign would know their Saab-arus had a
little Nakajima in the woodpile?

CompUser said:
Wait, wait--javario has forgotten about the Civil
War, too---since he's a Northerner, all that
Confederate, Southern stuff is a no no...whoops,
no more pecan pie at Thanksgiving, and no more
KFC. Don't even think about pulled pork.

KFC's okay... Kentucky tried to stay unaligned in "The War Between the
States" but eventually leaned to the north.

I sympathize with the brave Southern men who stood up to the meddling
fools in Washington over the issue of states' rights and self
determination. Many of those in DC seem to think they know whats best
for people in each state. That sounds familiar today too. Fools from
worthless states like MA trying to force gay marriage onto the majority
of Christian Americans. Remember Lincoln's emancipation proclamation
only freed slaves in the states that rebelled- and he had no authority
over them !! New 'Jerseyans still had slaves as did people in the
north. The War of Northern Aggression may be over but Lee
surrendered-- I didnt.
KFC's okay... Kentucky tried to stay unaligned in "The War Between the
States" but eventually leaned to the north.

But fried chicken...traditionally Southern!

"heathen savages"

****, you're an ignorant asshole.

And your understanding of WW2 is pretty bad. I guess you never
learned to read, huh?

Stick your head back up your asshole, and enjoy the fantasy world you
live in.

On 3 Nov 2005 16:20:09 -0800, (e-mail address removed) wrote:

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