Nate said:
I disagree. It costs FAR more in energy and pollution to make a new car
than it does to run an old one every day for 10 years or more. As for
I saw some numbers on the Toyota Prius recently. Quite a surprise:
whatever it "saves" while being driven was far more than made up for w/
manufacturing "costs" in the pollution and/or energy consumed
departments. Adding all these costs together, driving a Prius for 100k
miles was "costlier" to the environment than driving a similar sized
gas-burner the same miles.
Green? What a buzzword! We're not going to even TOUCH on being "green"
until the world realizes irresponsible procreation is at the root of
many, if not most, of our pollution woes and starts working on THAT
issue. In the meantime, all too much of this is idle lip service and
this fad will blow over to the "Next great thing to worry about" soon
I drive older cars. By choice. I have no kids. By choice. I ride my
bicycles (even they're "old") instead of driving a car whenever
practical, for my health as well as "environmental" considerations
(which include my "economic environment.") Again, this is by choice. I
think in making these choices and doing these things over the last four
decades or so, I've done much more to "help save the world" than the guy
down the street who just bought the brand new hybrid SUV to haul his
five fat brats around. A microscopic view of the big picture's not all
that helpful.
Don't know what any of this has to do w/ wheel offsets, though.