ok, so i'm guilty of presuming that we're not talking novices here and
that we know how to bleed a cooling system.
And they don't know how to check for a damaged head gasket - RIGHT!!!
Bleeding the cooling system requires different procedures on different
cars. Some can be extremely difficult to "burp". Ever bleed the
cooling system on a Renault R12????
And the Supra M engine is a BIT more difficult than some, although
much simpler than many others. On some you need to remove a hose - and
different hoses on different vehicles. Some need filling through the
expansion bottle - all kinds of different ways -
We ARE talking to novices in this group
"off"??? not unless you've got a beer pump attached to your cooling
In many cases a 50% mixture of tap water and glycol is very high in pH
- and depending on the water source, it can be very low. Low PH (acid
condition) causes corrosion in the cooling system. High pH
(alkalinity) causes scale build-up in the cooling system. Correct
buffering of the coolant prevents both problems - and ONLY a correctly
buffered system can accurately be checked for leaks by testing the
coolant with Bromothymol Blue.
On the other hand, using it in a "sniff tester" as described to
detect CO2 in the air coming off the top of the rad you can accurately
determine if there is a combustion leak into the cooling system,
regardless of the pH of the system before the test.
not true. early stage head gasket can persist for quite some time. one
of my cars took roughly a year and ~30k miles between the overheating
event that initiated failure and the exhaust venting into the coolant
badly enough to be visible. and even then, it was only a small amount,
and only when hot, not cold. all this would have been resolved with a
pH test early on. if you're worried about a false positive, change the
coolant, and re-test a couple of weeks later.
I'd be much more worried about a false negative - and leakage on a
COLD engine is much more common than on a hot engine, when it is
intermittent.Starting with a cold engine, with the sniffer tester
connected and run untill warm under a light load (fast idle in drive
on an automatic, or A/C on and headlights on high beam) will catch
even a small elusive leak with fair reliability.
And changing the antifreeze to resolve the uncertainty is totally
un-necessary (even in your scenario), Antifreeze is routinely
"reconditioned" by running ithrough a filter and the pH corrected by
the addition of buffering agents. Antifreeze is a hazardous waste
which must be properly disposed of - and it is also not inexpensive.
Recycling the coolant is the responsible thing to do - as well as the
economical thing to do.
When an engine warms up, the parts expand and the clearances decrease,
causing many minor coolant leaks, both internal and external, to
temporarily stop with the engine at operating temperatures.