ouch .... I'd be pretty pissed.
Dave Goodman said:Not sure if its "normal" but it has happened to our 99 2.5L Forester at 113K
miles. 1 qt of oil per week/400 miles. I was taking it in to the dealer
anyway for a clutch job, so asked them to look for leaks
because it didn't appear to burning oil. They did the clutch and said the
head gasket was leaking(kinda expensive to repair, estimated at $900 for
labor alone), along with a slight "weeping" from the water pump. I was
convinced they had found the problem, and authorized all that and an oil
pump because " they go too and its wise to replace them while the camshaft
belts are off" oh yes, decided to get the cambelt replaced, since it didn't
break at 60k like it was suppose to. $2300 later, found that it was still
using oil. Complaints to the dealer ....bleah! They said "You said look for
oil leaks and we found some and you authorized repairs" Anyway, at 125k
miles, it is visibly burning oil. I suspect rings are bad. 2 qts of oil a
week and sworn never to speak to that dealer again.
Thanx for letting me vent
Hope this helps