New Subaru Outback MY04 (Australian) opinions wanted!

Yea I have taken it for a long spin thats how i found all the noise and
rattles... currently close to reaching its first service point 5k.

Been through the first check up (1500km), not yet with the first service.

Bought mine in QLD at City Subaru so cant help you with Sydney

Experience is pretty ordinary, but its just the beginning so I guess time
will tell and cant really comment now. But from my previous experiences with
other brands is that different dealerships often provide different service
levels.. so its kinda like a trial and error process. Cross your fingers :p

From my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong. The Outback is basically a
jacked up liberty wagon and the wagon has a narrower rear width compared to
the sedan. The 2.5 Outback wagons have lower ration box compared to the
sedan/wagons. Other than that you get cosmetic pieces and exterior body

Its good if you have someone in your family who perfers the higher seating
positions and the easier seat access (elderly). You can slide in rather than
climbing into (big 4wd) or falling into the seat (Sports car/ Sedan)

If you want nicer handling then go for the wagon or sedan. I had personal
reasons for the selection of Outback. I would have prefered the GT. (check
out the McIntosh sounds system!)

In my opinion the Forester Turbo is a bit small in the back if you have a
family and also less refined compared to the Liberty/Outback in terms of
NVH, interior and exterior styling. But its cheaper and faster! :)

The turbo's long term reliabilty will often be questioned when its compared
to N/A engines. The insurance will also be high. Any1 under the age of 25
that crashes a Forester Turbo will not be covered if insured through
Suncorp - online quote please double check

Oh and the last point would be the waiting list for the turbo.. last i heard
was 3 month.. but maybe that has cleared up.

Hope it helps

Jon said:
Yea I have taken it for a long spin thats how i found all the noise and
rattles... currently close to reaching its first service point 5k.

Been through the first check up (1500km), not yet with the first service.

Bought mine in QLD at City Subaru so cant help you with Sydney

Experience is pretty ordinary, but its just the beginning so I guess time
will tell and cant really comment now. But from my previous experiences with
other brands is that different dealerships often provide different service
levels.. so its kinda like a trial and error process. Cross your fingers :p

Yeah thanks Jon, I pretty much agree with all your comments. I suspect
that wifey will think the Outback will suit her image more than the
blower-XT (DOH--she doesn't even drive :-8) And I don't see too many
older blowers around--wonder what happens to them?
I was surprised however with the insurance quote I got from NRMA. On
rating 1 the blower is only $13/mo more than what I pay currently for
shitbox '96 Golf (about $1100/yr). That's what really got me interested
in it.
My 2 grommets may have the final say; I think it will come down to
cup-holder count. Now if only that Mac sound system was an option for
the Outback I'd be in like...
I can't recall/remember if the drive distribution in the Outback is
50:50 front:rear with the 5AT or dynamically distributed as in the 4AT
blower (70:30?). Any ideas?
Wow, NRMA seems to always give competitive quotes (heard alot from friends
and collegues). I wonder what their service is like if you have a crash? Is
it any good?

The drive ratio in the liberty is split 45.7/54.3 bias to the rear (wheels
magazine october) Not sure about the Outback but it should be the same.
Forgot to mention the Outback gets bigger brake discs as well compare to
liberty. Suby shoulda made the McIntosh system standard or available on the
premium Outback the standard version is alright... but could have been

I have seen quite a few XT blowers around here in QLD... but I guess its
probably the supply issue and the cost. Maybe cos its quite a leap over the
comparable model and to insure. See a lot of NA versions running around ;D

If u have kiddies... dare i say it here... you might wanna check out the
Toyota kluger......(there u go i said it.. flame me) Its not a bad car (its
based on a Camry... so bring on the understeer), the interior is lot more
conservative but you get more room and practicality if u have kiddies or
wanting cup holders.

One dealer up here in QLD was offering free tin boat and trailer worth 3G
for any 2003 model Kluger... Hard to ignore if ure into fishing..

Anyway hope it helps

Jon said:
Wow, NRMA seems to always give competitive quotes (heard alot from friends
and collegues). I wonder what their service is like if you have a crash? Is
it any good?

The drive ratio in the liberty is split 45.7/54.3 bias to the rear (wheels
magazine october) Not sure about the Outback but it should be the same.
Forgot to mention the Outback gets bigger brake discs as well compare to
liberty. Suby shoulda made the McIntosh system standard or available on the
premium Outback the standard version is alright... but could have been

I have seen quite a few XT blowers around here in QLD... but I guess its
probably the supply issue and the cost. Maybe cos its quite a leap over the
comparable model and to insure. See a lot of NA versions running around ;D

If u have kiddies... dare i say it here... you might wanna check out the
Toyota kluger......(there u go i said it.. flame me) Its not a bad car (its
based on a Camry... so bring on the understeer), the interior is lot more
conservative but you get more room and practicality if u have kiddies or
wanting cup holders.

One dealer up here in QLD was offering free tin boat and trailer worth 3G
for any 2003 model Kluger... Hard to ignore if ure into fishing..

Anyway hope it helps


Man, get outta my brainspace!! Kluger has been the dark horse in all my
equations. It's a very compelling alternative, but it's so damn
plug-ugly. I've just come back this arvo from having a look (3rd
actually) at the Freddy Kruger, with the clan, and they love it, for all
the wrong reasons (that cup-holder index again-Freddy wins hands down).
The best AND worst thing about it for mine is it's size--much too big
for my brainspace to cope with, and will deal my self-image a huge body
blow: it is after all a 4WD Camry people mover as you say. Moving nearly
2 tonnnes of sheet-metal through the 'burbs would be like threading a
needle for me, and I'd also have to buy myself a new circle of friends...

Re NRMA insurance quote: I wonder whether it's because they categorise
the XT-blower as a 4WD, as opposed to a Rex, which they'd call a
sports/performance car? In any case, I was mildly shocked too with the
quote, to the point where the XT is still a large blip on my radar.

The comparisons between the Outback and Freddy have been fascinating for
me; they're more similar physically and mechanically (4WD autos, power &
torque output) than a casual look would suggest, dare I say it, from the
point of view of having to cart around 2 kids and associated payload. I
guess it boils down to whether you want new technology in a sexy package
(Outback), or old technology refined (Freddy). I'll be fascinated to
hear how the Outback works out for you--I've got a couple of months up
my sleeve yet before the Golf self-destructs, and the balance is
currently 70:30 Outback:Freddy
randj said:
I suspect that wifey will think the Outback
will suit her image more than the blower-XT
(DOH--she doesn't even drive :-8)
And I don't see too many older blowers
around--wonder what happens to them?

No, they're pretty reliable; it's just that being relatively
expensive, not that many people bought them in the first
place; I see a few GT's around, but not that many, and they
didn't release them (in Australia) until a fair while after
the Forester was released.
Put it this way; there are a heap of early WRX's & Liberty
RS's around, and they're 10 to 15 years old; if anything,
Foresters would be more reliable, as they're detuned in


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