More fluid for AT tranny than MT?

B said:
I stand by the moron comment.


I'm with you 100%, but there are those who just don't (or won't) get it.
On the Internet, you can be anyone you want to be, and SOMEBODY will
take you seriously! As I mentioned above about teaching pigs to sing...

I don't think Subaru has yet reached this level of "technical
limitation" for lack of a better term, but this thread reminds me of a
certain GM/Chevy gearbox, used in some of their trucks just a few years
back. It spec'ed a synthetic oil and there was a GM part no. on the
"warning" tag on the gearbox. GM used TWO synthetic oils one year,
depending on which run of gearboxes the trucks had. Both had the same
weight rating, etc., just different part no's. One of the gearboxes, if
refilled using the wrong part no., would seize up within 150-200 miles!
(It happened to one of my clients--cost the shop that did the change
some bucks to replace his gearbox! Fortunately, it was a reputable shop,
not a "quickie" place, and they gave him no grief about it. The shop
manager told my client, as he apologized for the mistake, "I guess we
all went to school this week!")

So for those who think the "Uncle Scottys" (or "Bobistheoilguys") of the
world know more than the guys who do this stuff for a living, enjoy your
playing! Personally, I'll show a bit of respect for the guys who "wrote
the book" and the work they put into it, conspiracy theories

Carl said:
In all fairness, 'Uncle Scotty' is a very knowledgable, and evidently
experienced, 'character' who posts regularly at NASIOC. While he
frequently comes off as a curmudgeon, I suspect his 'cocktail' is not
particularly 'bad'. Of course, your sensible to promote caution - since
ther is no testing as to whether one component's additives may be
antagonistic to additives in the other componenent's, though it's hard
to see how the mix could be horrible. personally, I would only try it
AFTER trying Redline or Royal Purple or other quality name brands for
hundreds - if not several thousand - miles first. A lot of folks with
the pre-06 trannies have reported good results with Redline 75-90NS
after a few thousand miles.



Sorry to bring this back but I found a related thread at usmb that
someone may find helpful;



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