Is The 60,000 Mile Service Necessary?

Rick said:

Uh, did you see the name K&N in my post?

If not, you're reading something in I didn't say. However, if you like
K&N filters, that's fine. It's your money you're spending.

But let's think about something here: K&N is not the only company who
makes (or has made) an oilable "no replacement" filter. Any car mfr has
access to them, and I'm sure K&N would LOVE to get an OEM contract
(maybe the folks I know who've worked for 'em--the company's only a half
hour from me--could get a raise?) Yet we don't see K&N or any other
"serviceable" filter on a factory car today.

Conspiracy theorists will claim that's cuz the mfrs want to sell a lot
of paper filters. Some engineers will claim it's cuz paper filters trap
more "stuff" and keep the engine cleaner. W/o seeing side by side data
from controlled tests, it's your call who is right.

It doesn't take a conspiracy theory to explain the
lack of renewable air filters. Who's going to want
to pay a mechanic the $90/hr or whatever to renew one?

Renewable air filters are fine if you don't mind doing
the work yourself. I have better things to do than find
yet another reason to get my hands oily :)
BTW, YES, I HAVE used serviceable filters in the past. I've returned to
the paper ones...

Me too.
Paper filters are cheaper and require replacement- meaning more $$$.
Many people will blindly use OEM filters at an inflated price. Many
will pay a dealer to install it. This is money for the automaker and a
huge profit. Why don't oil companies add the RXP gas kicker to their
fuels. Will clean engines, increase MPG , and lower emissions. I bet
the reason is simply cost. I used cheap paper filters in my 86 dodge
but they were $5 each. The paper filters for my 94 Trooper cost over
$20 each. Spending the $50 for a K&N was a smart move. Same for the
Subaru. Paper filters just too expensive for a throway item. I used
K&N as an example as they are readily available for many vehicles and
seem to have a better reputation than some of the others.
K&N filters are only for racing applications of maximum airflow for engines
that are regularly torn down and rebuilt after a race or two.

They let way too much dirt through to be used for a daily driver.

The oil that gets shed can ruin a MAP sensor in minutes.
Oscar_Lives said:
K&N filters are only for racing applications of maximum airflow for engines
that are regularly torn down and rebuilt after a race or two.

They let way too much dirt through to be used for a daily driver.

The oil that gets shed can ruin a MAP sensor in minutes.

They're not quite that bad and I think you mean MAF.

Well I used one on a 94 Trooper for 145k miles. Engine fine and no
problems with map sensor. Used for 75k on my 04 outback no problems
with sensors. A strut blew out but I cant blame air filter for that
Rick said:
Conspiracy theorists will claim that's cuz the mfrs want to sell a lot
of paper filters. Some engineers will claim it's cuz paper filters trap
more "stuff" and keep the engine cleaner.

My current '05 Toyota Tacoma w/ V6 has (2) paper filters, a standard ~
4"x14" air box filter, and a smaller unit inside the already filtered
section of the air pipe.

The standard paper filter has a typical 15,000 mile(??) interval, while
the internal filter has no set maintenance interval. Interesting...
Carl 1 Lucky Texan said:
They're not quite that bad and I think you mean MAF.


Yeah, it is MAF. My bad.

You can run it without a filter. I don't care. It is your money.

I want a good quality clean paper filter in mine, thank you.
Ray said:
if you want to get 200,000 miles of any car, maintain it in the best
possible way.
Why people will spend $30,000 on a car and then complain about $25 oil
changes is beyond me.

The answer to your rethorical question :) is rather simply actually:
because the useless fuckers just find that they could not afford the
and it, probably, does not help them get laid either. Not in this area
Funny thing is, that the same fine folk look down on you driving
a $10000-$20000 car that's been paid for. I hate the fake money of
I wish the corporations stop hiring the road clogging intranet
Their fucking code never works properly anyway.
Body said:
The answer to your rethorical question :) is rather simply actually:
because the useless fuckers just find that they could not afford the
and it, probably, does not help them get laid either. Not in this area
Funny thing is, that the same fine folk look down on you driving
a $10000-$20000 car that's been paid for. I hate the fake money of
I wish the corporations stop hiring the road clogging intranet
Their fucking code never works properly anyway.
having a rough day by any chance?

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