Don't talk the subject you know nothing about. Average Americans is
clueless about immigration laws (since they don't have to know about
it) and you are not veen an avergae American. You intelligent is below
average, way below. Save yourself some from humiliation: Don't even try
understanding INS regulations.
Why should I work for other epople when I have my family's busienss?
Can you comprehend that concept? Or are you stuck with the concept that
you must work for others like a slave?
SLAVE!...COMPREHEND! hahahaha.....wrong you little wench with the "OIL
PRESSURE" dot on your forehead.
You are annoying, I think I will print out a lot of this crap you posted and
drop it by the Federal Building on my way thru there.
Lets recap, your family runs an illegal business, you advocate cheating on
immigration and advise people on how to do it. Your sister will aid and abet
a criminal (you)..this family sounds like the typical leech on society.
Where there is smoke, there is fire...there is a lot of smoke here. I sure
hope you like bringing the legal microscope down on your entire family.
Lets see...Im in the greater Los Angeles area, your in Northern
California..your local! The boys here can (and will) deal with you.I am just
an annoyed LEGAL TAX PAYING CITIZEN thats tired of your antics,it's my
American duty to turn your sorry ass in, and that I will.
I think making ***YOU*** the poster child as an example to others is a great
Just think what can and will happen, if you and/or the rest of your leech
family is doing ANYTHING against the law your going to be busted for it.Your
family will blame YOU for causing it trouble thru your big mouth. Show me
how "Tough" you are wench! And send your god damn family back to the
hellhole they came from and you with them.
There are PLENTY of honest law abiding people that want an opportunity here
in the USA, we dont need chicken-shit liars and thieves like you here to
milk the system dry.
Here is the deal, EVEN YOU CAN UNDERSTAND THIS.....keep posting,keep
annoying and it will spur me on to make sure this paperwork gets to the
right INS investigators.Thier office is in the "Roybal Federal Bldg." at the
corner of Los Angeles and Temple Ave. in Downtown LA.
Read between the lines stupid, if I dont see you on this forum, I might
forget about you. Got the hint? I dont give a rat's ass about "TalkAbout
Network".But if you want to show me how "tough/powerful" you are...go for
it....balls in your court..paperwork is in mine. Federal Building is open on
Tuesday...your move bitch.