Idiot ("Check Engine") light won't go away ...

Well, mine came on for a week, and turned itself off on the way to the
dealership. (And yes, i did the gas cap thing). And no codes were
stored. Then it turned itself on the next day, and went off again two
days later.

My new theory is, why bother? It apparently doesn't mean anything
anyway. You don't need to get snippy with people. Taking it to the
dealer when the light comes on doesn't necessarily accomplish
anything, other than screwing up a day's work.

There's a couple (that I know of, anyway) of
different ways CEL codes are stored; "historic"
(problem no longer occurring)are stored
differently from currently occurring
malfunctions. The Subaru dealership "Select
Monitor" presumably will pull all types, I don't
know about generic OBDII readers. Anyway, make
your first stop at Autozone, if you're US, and
get the codes hopefully read for free. Some are
pretty self explanatory, some not; you can always
come back here and post for help.
ACW said:
For my 2000 Forester with 94K miles the check engine light has been on
for two months. The dealer told me not to be concerned if the light is
steady and the car is running fine. However, if the check engine light
is flashing I was told to have my car towed to the dealer. I did take
the car to a mechanic locally who informed me there was a "funny code"
when he diagnosed the problem. He reset the light. I drove off and
the check engine light came on within a minute. For now I am living
with the light on.


You did'nt ask what this «funny code» was about?
I think CEL should not be taken lightly for at least two reasons:
1) The malfunction it has detected could very well leave you stranded in
the near or more distant future. Happened to me with a check engine
light about the coolant temp sensor that took three months to evolve
into a driveability problem. At that time I was not aware of the
significance of a CEL. I had been without a car for 15 years and the
last car I had did not have an inboard computer.
2) Foremost, if you drive with the CEL on, you cannot be aware that the
ECM is maybe sending another CEL for something more important and with
more serious consequences.
I do not have an Autozone here locally and the Subaru dealer is 35
miles away. Therefore, considerable effort is needed to accurately
diagnose the check engine light problem. I will not go back to the
local mechanic since this problem is not his expertise. I am really
not concerned since the car is running fine and the Subaru dealer told
me not to worry. The last time the check engine light problem
occurred, the car ran roughly and I needed a new catalytic converter.
Thankfully, the car was under warranty for this repair. I also had
check engine light problems when the car was new. Usually the light
went off by itself. Sometimes, I had the dealer reset the computer to
turn off the light. Nothing was wrong with the car at this point in
I was going to post today to note the passing of 100,000 miles on my '99
Outback. But at 100,050 the CEL came on. So much for that celebration. :-(

Good news...the gas cap WAS loose. <fingers crossed the light goes out

-John O

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