This poster insists that ALL people pay attention while driving. Noted.
Your advice is greatly appreciated. I suppose that will end automobile
accidents! That was very helpful, thanks!
Next problem: let's help folks expand their vocabularies! Does the phrase
"defensive driving" ring any bells with you? Auto insurance companies will
be glad to explain it to you, if you but ask.
In the meantime, DRL's do not ask who was right or wrong or accountable.
They are, however, effective. They simply allow others to see me. They
force people to "pay attention."
You know, I'll bet DRL's are just another way to DRIVE IN ALL CAPS!
(get the idea, now?)
why don't you try explaining to everyone where the ***8 BILLION
POUNDS*** of extra co2 are going to go because of your stupid desire
to waste energy by making everyone drive around with headlights
permanently on, in some lame attempt to cater to the shortcomings of
the dumb shit driver who shouldn't have a licence anyway? (source:
let's take out stereos, since they distract drivers, thereby causing
don't get me started on cell phones.
dvd players w/screens in cars? like THAT'S not an accident waiting to
every car should be equipped with huge brembo brakes, and the
stickiest tires available at any price. after all, this will reduce
the occurance of accidents, right? (can you offer any explanation as
to how it would NOT?)
let's make it a law that you must drive on winter tires in the winter,
and summer tires in the summer. that will prevent accidents.
yes, let's equip all vehicles with those back-up beepers, since that
could prevent accidents too. in fact, let's just make the beepers
sound off all the time, since that would prevent even more accidents.
let's program the cars to not go faster than say 80mph. that would
help prevent accidents, and besides, where is the speed limit faster
than that in the first place? montana maybe? well, it doesn't
matter.. less accidents happen if everyone is driving at 55, so let's
just dial it back to that.
we're all about preventing accidents, right? that's the bottom line
here, bar none. let's not be half-assed about it. my dad always
says: if you're going to do something, do it right.
you know how i remain noticed? i pull the muffler off my car--no
shit. straight pipes save lives, you know... and i got the loudest
blow-off valve i could buy. turns heads like a mofo. nobody comes
near me and my growling, snorting automobile, even when i (gasp) have
my headlights OFF during the day!
people never cease to amaze me with their myopia. if YOU want to
drive with your lights on during the day, nobody's stopping you--just
turn the little switch in the cabin and they magically come on. drive
like that all day, every day, contribute to global warming just so you
can "be seen more" for all i care.
for god's sake, just stop trying to make cars so that idiots can drive
them, because then only idiots will.