How many miles on YOUR Subaru?

Betsy said:
Just curious....

I have a lovely 1999 Forester with 89k miles. What year and model
do you drive, and how many miles have you gone?

I have a 1992 Legacy L AWD wagon (manual tranny) with 186,000 miles.
Just took my subie on a spin from Seattle to Cleveland and was pushing
30 mpg. Except for oil changes, a new timing belt, and clutch I have
never had a breakdown.
Betsy Hakes said:
Just curious....

I have a lovely 1999 Forester with 89k miles. What year and model do you
drive, and how many miles have you gone?

I have a 02 Outback with only -9000- Miles on the clock.

How? I was deployed as a "Rent-a-Cop in Uniform"
for Halliburton/Bush/CheneyMobil/Sunoco/Exxon etc..etc...
(in Iraq - easy guess eh?) for close to a Year.
Then had to pull base duty for 4 Months at home as my position
was considered "mission critical". (pulling spare parts for
TACOM - mostly )

Whe I got home over a Year-PLUS later, there was my Subie
in the garage, right where I left her, under a 20 by 20 canvas tarupe.
(Disconnected the battery for long term storage)

2 cranks and she started right up. Checked the oil and fluids
BEFORE starting. Tires did lose some air pressure sitting for a year
indoors which was rather curious.....(long term Subaru Storage Beta Test!)

Wonder if my Insurance Co will believe me when I report the mileage....?
grin : ) : ) : )
mike, coo: usa

2003 forester X

9300 miles

26 mpg over the past 500 miles.

In top gear(A/T): 130000 revs per 100 km in one hour.
(2500rpm at 100kmh)

'01 Outback VDC (bought 09/01)
87000 miles

Just had to replace the transmission- a long story I've been meaning to write
about but haven't had time yet.
But coming soon, if I ever get the car back (it's been 6 WEEKS!!!!)

Sorry, didn't see this thread before. :eek:)

40,500 miles - 2003 Baja

(I traded in a '93 Legacy with 189,000)
I don't mean to be a party pooper, but just what is this survey going to
tell us, other than there is a wide year-model range of Subarus owned by
people who frequent this board who have driven their cars a wide range of
total miles? What will you be able to conclude beyond that?

2002 OBW Ltd. 32,000 miles.

I am just enjoying reading the different mileage totals on different years.....that is enough for me. <s>

OP wasn't conducting a scientific survey. Lots of people like to "brag"
about how well their car has held up under the miles...
It is great to see the mileage that people are getting out their Subarus.
There are also a number of postings from people who have a ton a miles on
their car. I find it interesting and it gives me a good idea what I can
expect out of mine. I had a 1980 Subaru that had 175,000 miles and was
still running fine when I traded it in for a 1997 Subaru Outback.
Hallraker said:
1995 Legacy L "Outback" package. <g> With just shy of 170,000 miles.


Well then, mine's just a pup...'95 Outback with 141,000 miles, but my
previous '90 Legacy L wagon had 236,000 before she gave up the ghost.

not bragging but just traded my 2002 Outback, with 60,000 miles on it for a
2005 Turbo the sport shifter and the additional power
2000 Forester S with 73,000 trouble free miles.
lightbulb05 said:
not bragging but just traded my 2002 Outback, with 60,000 miles on it for a
2005 Turbo the sport shifter and the additional power
It looks like I will not quite make the 500,000 mile mark in my 1985 XT
Turbo Coupe. I'm today 133 miles short and it seems I have the first
major problem with the car that I have ever had. On the trip back from
the lake this past weekend we got about half way home when the heat gauge
climbed into the quite warm range, not so any red lights came on but into
the hot by one bar. We stopped and cooled the engine down at the side of
the road by leaving the electric fan running till we could remove the
radiator cap. Refilled the coolant into the radiator from the overflow
tank and drove it in the remaining 80 miles we had to go to home without
air conditioning. It looks like the overflow tank is filled with foam and
it pushes out more coolant than the tank will hold leaving the radiator
short of coolant when it sucks the coolant back into the system. To me it
looks like a head or a head gasket may be gone. I think I'll try to have
it repaired as the car uses no oil yet and is just the most excellent auto
I have ever driven. I bought the car with 8 tenths of a mile on it so
have personally put every mile on the car since it was new. Still sounds
good but running hot is a poor sign! I can't smell antifreeze in the
exhaust but there still is something wrong.
1982 Subaru GL Wagon: 251,000

My prior 1982 GL Wagon had around 313,000 when I got rid of it on account of
body rot. Engine was still fine.

Ed Fortmiller | (e-mail address removed) | Hudson MA
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Hal Whelply said:
I don't mean to be a party pooper, but just what is this survey going to
tell us, other than there is a wide year-model range of Subarus owned by
people who frequent this board who have driven their cars a wide range of
total miles? What will you be able to conclude beyond that?

You're right. It would be much more interesting to see how long
(short?) people's previous non-Subaru's lasted.

'93 Ford Taurus, 88k miles, head gasket. Our mechanic did *not*
want us to pay him $2,500 to fix it. He said it would just
break again.

'95 Ford Contour, 93k miles, transmission fried for the second
time. The first time was at 42k miles --- 6 months after the
warranty expired.

My current '03 Forester X has only 15k miles. I'm hoping, knock wood, it
does better.

Richard said:
You're right. It would be much more interesting to see how long
(short?) people's previous non-Subaru's lasted.

'93 Ford Taurus, 88k miles, head gasket. Our mechanic did *not*
want us to pay him $2,500 to fix it. He said it would just
break again.

'95 Ford Contour, 93k miles, transmission fried for the second
time. The first time was at 42k miles --- 6 months after the
warranty expired.

My current '03 Forester X has only 15k miles. I'm hoping, knock wood, it
does better.


My 2001 Forester has 51,000 miles. While it hasn't needed any repairs,
it just does not feel like it is going to go the distance. The shifter
is getting sloppy and the clutch is chattering when cold. The interior
also feels cheap and I am hoping the head gasket and rear wheel bearings
do not fail. The ABS also seems to signifcantly increase the stopping
distance when partially on ice.
While it is my wife's car, I find it very difficult to drive smoothly.
It has been like this since new. The engine does not have enough
flywheel and stalls easily if you get sloppy starting out. It also has
absolutely no torque below 1500 rpms. When shifting, the engine takes
what seems like forever to slow down to allow the next gear change to
occur smoothly. Conversely, my BMW 325is w/ 85,000 miles and Nissan
Truck w/ 117,000 miles still feel like new and are pleasure to drive.

I have also noticed on 3 or 4 occasions that when pushed to the limit,
the car wants to oversteer badly. It came as a huge suprise as I
expected the front end to push way before this happens. Has anyone else
noticed this?

Take Care,


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