I have traveled offroad extensively in my old GL wagon, and have
embarrassed drivers in full-sized 4X4s. Ya gotta be good at driving
the high line, and callous indifference to dings and bashes doesn't
hurt either ("What the hell; it's just an old Subaru!"). It doesn't
like rock crawling, deep water or deep mud (even with all wheels
chained . . . don't ask), but other than that it's a game little car,
and will go 95% of anywhere my lifted, locker equipped Jeep Cherokee
would; but in greater comfort, and with far better mileage. Sold the
Jeep, kept the Subaru.
I drove my WRX wagon all of the way to the end of the Spruce Creek
jeep road last friday (SW of Breckenridge CO), goin' fishin' (fishin'
but not catchin', alas

. No problems, and was the only non-SUV/4X4
parked at the trail-head. Had good rally-fun on the way out as well,
passing several lumbering SUVs. Again, you gotta pick a good line thru
the rocks and wash-outs, and then be able to stay on it.
Caveat: Spruce Creek isn't (IMO) a very difficult jeep trail, and
there _were_ a couple spots where the WRX _wouldn't_ have gone if it
had been much worse. Never-the-less, there and back in fine style.
Didn't stop for fotos Friday, but visit
http://chester.uccs.edu/wrx/offroad/> for fotos from a trip last
fall. Lincoln Gulch Road in the White River National Forest east of
Aspen CO (significantly easier than Spruce Creek, BTW), and the
fishing at the lake (Grizzly Lake ~12.5K ft.) in the last foto was
good. Snowed a bit on the walk out, tho.
ByeBye! S.