got a ticket the other day for exhibition driving because the cop allegedly
saw me "spin out" with my 02 automatic WRX. I asked him which tires he saw
spin, and he said the front ones, just like every other import I see driving
around. Then I asked if he was sure about that since my car is AWD. He
looked at me kinda funny and said, well, I heard it, and I saw the front
tire spin. I then proceded to tell him that I have launched this car many
many times at a drag strip and never experienced any wheel spin, I asked if
maybe what he heard was my BOV, since it kinda has a "bark-psssshhhhttttt"
sound when it goes off. Again, funny look on his face. I then said, ok
give me the ticket, I'll see you in court. Blank white look on his face,
but he gives me the ticket anyway.
Do you think it would be to my benefit to bring a video of me launching at a
racetrack and having ZERO wheel spin as proof that my car didn't do what he
said it did?
Hey WRXtreme,
Traffic courts seem to be set up slightly different in every state.
In Iowa, where I live, they are bunched into a small misdemeaner
court. Here is how I mitigate the damage from unjust tickets (and
this DOES work and has worked as recently as last January).
Call the county or city attorney that is going to be in charge of
prosecuting your case. Explain the situation, and explain that you
understand the officers intentions, but that you are a good and safe
driver with a good record and do not feel the citation was completely
warranted. Then proceed to suggest that an 'alternative' to the
moving violation that involves a fine of a near equal or slightly
higher amount might be acceptable, and that you would not drag them
into court if such a change ticket order was issued.
I have received a couple of 'faulty muffler' violations in exchange
for speeding tickets in this manner. Keeps the cops from being tied
up in court over a small bit of revenue that they might lose, they
still get their money, and I keep my clean driving record.
Unfortunately I still have to pay a fine, but I think of it as a
driving tax. Every year or so I get taxed by the traxxic cops.
Thinking about it this way keeps me sane and prevents me from becoming
angry at the injustice of speed traps that are tools revenue and have
nothing whatsoever to do with traffic safety.
Good luck.