nothermark said:
Just asking in case some folks here have a clue. i don't kow if there
is a "correct" group. Since cars like the Subaru have a lot of owners
who expect high service life I'm wondering about hybrid batteries. Has
anyone seen anything on how long the battery packs last? or what
replacement costs will be?
A very good question, that only time will accurately tell.
As others have said rechargeable batteries become less effective with
Those who have battery powered portable computers know that after about
3 years the battery becomes noticeable less powerful and leaks charge
more easily. A portable computer battery is usually considered trash
after 4 or 5 years, although they still work for a short time.
That brings up the point of at what point is a hybrid car battery
considered not useful? Certainly the battery will probably still work
somewhat after 4 or 5 yrs, but what will be the efficiency of the hybrid
system when the battery is weak. Even if a battery is weak and be not
very effective, I doubt the manufacturer will want to replace it.
As for the hybrid vehicles themselves I feel they have already gone
silly with their designs. This system does best with an ICE which is
too small for desired acceleration and hill climbing. However recent
models are just hybrid technology added to an ICE which already has
enough power.
The Honda Accord hybrid is an example of this. A hybrid sold more for
improved acceleration than fuel savings.
Marketing is heading us in the wrong direction.
Another concern I have with current hybrids is the real world mileage
when air conditioning and heat are required.
New diesels with new clean fuel may be in our future.
Practical fuel cells are too far in the future to think seriously about.
A hybrid lover, but cautious over some current designs.