Definition of a SUV

I never see the fat women in the SUV's towing anything around here. It
appears more like it's the only thing that they would really fit in.

No arguement from me. ;-)
KLS said:
Yes, and driving an SUV now is almost a guarantee that the driver will
get into an accident of some sort, viz. the New York Times article
from last year (was it?), because of their arrogance and careless
evaluation of the risks of the road.

I think it was the New Yorker Magazine.
I agree. The Tribeca is all about market share. Time will tell
whether it was wise for Soob to get away from its roots. The SUV
worked well for the Germans, but I think the Tribeca is too little, too
late. I'm one of the majority who like it, but wouldn't buy it.

The original SUVs -- the original Cherokee, Blazer, Bronco, Suburban,
etc. -- were extremely sport and utility oriented. It's the new ones
that are too nice and expensive to even get dirty that really are
useless for sport or utility.

lkreh said:
worked well for the Germans, but I think the Tribeca is too little, too
late. I'm one of the majority who like it, but wouldn't buy it.

An awful lot of people buy German SUV's simply because they say
Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen, or Porsche on the hood.

Those folks, who usually list "prestige" as a feature, probably wouldn't
even look at a Subaru.
I think it was the New Yorker Magazine.

Neither one would let truth mess with poltical views.

What I'm wondering is if it would be worth starting a collsion shop
specializing in all these crunched SUV's. ;-)
Here's a scary thought. How many of you, as teenagers, got Mom or Dad's
old car for your first car? OK - now, think about teenagers (with cell
phones) driving around in Navigators and Suburbans!

we're doomed!

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 11:50:17 -0400, Tom Reingold

Neither one would let truth mess with poltical views.

What I'm wondering is if it would be worth starting a collsion shop
specializing in all these crunched SUV's. ;-)

And I'm sure that you formed that opinion from having read the NY Times
and The New Yorker extensively, right?

Actually, that's a cheap trick, to discredit the source rather than
argue the merits of what is written.

I read the article called "GOD AND COUNTRY --A college that trains young
Christians to be politicians" and found it to describe a scary trend. I
showed the article to a conservative Christian, and he loved the article
and thought tha that it described a wonderful thing. He found no bias,
and neither did I. It lays the facts out so the reader can decide.

Try it. The article is at

vehicles that only improve as the years wear on. <<

Fine for boy racers and those who desire high performance.w/o
practicality. Tow with and STi? Not recommended. Roof rack? Have to
buy it. Carry large loads? No. I'm glad they sell the Sti but to me

Boy racers? And what was it, again, that makes you think "boy" racers can
afford the purchase and upkeep of an STi in the long run?
But the name is the same and the commercial makes the vehicle seem
wimpy. I wouldnt buy any vehicle with a ridiculous name like that.

Who's problem is it that he can't dissociate the name of the vehicle from
some minor town that he doesn't like? That's really your issue--don't go
trying to project it on all of us.
It isn't wise to name a car after a part of a cesspool of a city that
is filled with deviants. Most of America has Christian values and
finds that behavior an abomination. The museums are really the only
worthwhile thing in NYC. A car name should be neutral or express a
positive connotation.

That particular cross-sextion of America just needs another demon since the
cold war ended; quite frankly, they and their narrow-minded foolishness are
precisely what give tyrants a reason and support to destroy civilisations.
May God have mercy on their hate-filled souls.
Tom said:
I thought Christians believe in loving thine enemy as thyself, but what
do I know?

Not anymore. Neo-conservatives have taken it upon themselves to become the
illegitimate leaders of the Christian conservatives; unfortunately for the
populace, they'll realise too late that these people are not Christians
themselves, and are leading them down a path they really don't want to be.
People like them, though, because these people give them something and
someone to hate, and everyone with poor or no education loves to hate.

nothermark said:
That why I see so many women driving them? And I really do around
here. They are conceived as a safer vehicle for the occupant. They
are also conceived to be what one needs when it snows. if I wanted to
pick the truley macho assholes it wouldbe Volvo drivers.

Around here it's VW drivers. Anytime they notice me on the road they seem to
get *extremely* indignant, as though I'm offending them just by driving on
the same goddamn road with them--try to run me into vehicles that look like
cop cars, cut me off if they are given the slightest opportunity to do so
without killing themselves, etc. They basically turn into insane people for
a while. Bleh.

On the other hand, I've gotta take my hat off to Honda drivers. A better
group of people driving around on the roads I don't know. Courteous,
terrific senses of humour, always smiles. Really great people. Here,
The idea that men who use anything powerfull are compensating for
sexual inadequacy is just so much psychobabble that has droped into
the mass intellect. It is not true in most cases. On the other hand
by that reckoning I guess I must be really macho as I spend all day
driving around in a Hyundai Accent. ;-)

This much I agree with you.
KLS said:
Yes, and driving an SUV now is almost a guarantee that the driver will
get into an accident of some sort, viz. the New York Times article
from last year (was it?), because of their arrogance and careless
evaluation of the risks of the road.

The amusing part here is that every time it snows for the first time in
winter, the SUVs are always the first to break down on the side of the
road. Yikes. I'd be furious if my brand-new SUV (please god let me never
feel the need for one) broke down because it hit -10C. lol
nothermark said:
What would you buy if you had two or three teenagers to haul around?

How about a minivan with a nice low centre of gravity? Or a sedan. I suppose
it depends on where I live. Am I out in the bush somewhere, or in the
middle of suburban, sameness hell?
Talk about a sensitivity issue. I didn't see a huge groundswell of
public opinion when the KIA first came on the scene. To me KIA means,
and always will mean, Killed In Action. Didn't Chevrolet have a image
problem with the Nova in Spanish speaking countries?
I love the sinner but hate the sin. Any homosexual who desires to be
cured of his sin has my respect and support
Ray said:
Talk about a sensitivity issue. I didn't see a huge groundswell of
public opinion when the KIA first came on the scene. To me KIA means,
and always will mean, Killed In Action. Didn't Chevrolet have a image
problem with the Nova in Spanish speaking countries?

Awesome.. :) Killed In Action. That's terrific.
And I'm sure that you formed that opinion from having read the NY Times
and The New Yorker extensively, right?

Actually, that's a cheap trick, to discredit the source rather than
argue the merits of what is written.

I read the article called "GOD AND COUNTRY --A college that trains young
Christians to be politicians" and found it to describe a scary trend. I
showed the article to a conservative Christian, and he loved the article
and thought tha that it described a wonderful thing. He found no bias,
and neither did I. It lays the facts out so the reader can decide.

Try it. The article is at


Read both, though not regularly.

Read most of article. Let me offer you an observation. The country
was run by the Protestant right until 1962 when Kennedy won and put an
Irish Catholic in office. That opened up a path for the liberal left
that was further opend by the Vietnam war protests. The right was
slow to figure out how they were geting screwed but they did figure it
out. Now they are working at getting back into power and getting
even. it is not surprising.

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