I'm in Canada - but it's been in the high 30s C for several weeks -
That's Mid Nineties F - so "much cooler than the states" is somewhat
subjective, and depends a LOT on where in Canada and where in the
states. Both are VERY large and diverse countries.
True. I've been to Montreal in the summer and it can be
just as warm or cool as Boston etc. There is a tendency
though, to perceive the US through its historical European
context, and early development. A focus on the North
Eastern parts of the country. This can be misleading, as
most population today and most cars reside in the
warmer parts of the country.
Nearly 100 million, not quite, people live the former
Confederacy states, plus Texas, Southern Illinois.
California 36,961,664 mln (most cars are auto here)
Florida 18,537,969
Texas 24,782,302
Total U.S. 307,006,550
By the way, I've lived for years in Nevada, Arizona,
and Texas, and am a fan of auxillary tranny coolers.
I think they are great, and can be helpful not only
in prolonging auto transmission life, but also may
be good for Subaru head gasket issues. The tranny
fluid in an auto car goes to the factory cooler which is
a cylinder imerged into the radiator fluid, or placed right
next to it. The radiator coolant essentially cools the
tranny fluid. If you can cool the tranny fluid before it
goes near the radiator coolant, you get a cooler
coolant, and cooler engine, cooler engine heads,
and possibly lesser probability of the dreaded Subaru
head gasket problem.