Bush - my god again?


Do conservatives drive Subarus? And I was thinking that just because I drive
an Outback, listen to NPR, and I own a Phish CD (never listen to it...they
suck) I'd be labeled inappropriately. The motor city madman is more likely
to be blaring in my car.

-John O
four more beers, and I won't care
I guess if Bush was your god in the first place, he could be again.
Dude, what are you talking about? On second thought, never mind.
I'm a miltary member, republican, environmentalist, and
conservationist. I listen to NPR and donate to outdoors soceities and
soon will cycle to work daily. And I have a mystic blue '04 OBW. Do I
conflict with myself enought??

I'm a miltary member, republican, environmentalist, and
conservationist. I listen to NPR and donate to outdoors soceities
and soon will cycle to work daily. And I have a mystic blue '04 OBW.
Do I conflict with myself enought??

You're a flip-flopper


You need to pick another letter then. Seriously, do not believe the crap
the world liberal press feeds you about Bush.

Like man sprang fully formed from the earth, shortly followed by eve?
Umm, even if ALL of the alleged Christian Right voted for Bush, it still
wouldn't have given him the election. There ARE other voters in the USA.

If Bush is sooooooo incompetent, what does that make the two guys he

There are 60 million christians in the USA. Guess how many votes Bush
got. Face it, these jesus lovers are large and in charge of your
country, I hope you agree with their views because it's the only one
you'll be seeing for the next 4 years. Bush knew what everyone knows
now, you can win Texas by planing ONLY to evangelical christians, you
can win the presidency by playing to them and softening your message
enough to placate some of the jewish people while putting the fear of
god into some of the uninformed.

The two guys he defeated? There were more than 2, but the top
contender, John Kerry, seems like he was hand picked to lose. A bobble
head doll has a more solid plan for the future.
Subject: Re: Bush - my god again?
From: "Ragnar" <(e-mail address removed)>
Newsgroups: alt.autos.subaru

If that makes you feel better . . .

Thats 20/20 hindsight. At the time the Pinto was being sold, no one had any
idea it was a firetrap.

Lee Iacoca did.
Brian said:
I'm a miltary member, republican, environmentalist, and
conservationist. I listen to NPR and donate to outdoors soceities and
soon will cycle to work daily. And I have a mystic blue '04 OBW. Do I
conflict with myself enought??


Fence sitter!

Chris said:
There are 60 million christians in the USA. Guess how many votes Bush
got. Face it, these jesus lovers are large and in charge of your
country, I hope you agree with their views because it's the only one
you'll be seeing for the next 4 years. Bush knew what everyone knows
now, you can win Texas by planing ONLY to evangelical christians, you
can win the presidency by playing to them and softening your message
enough to placate some of the jewish people while putting the fear of
god into some of the uninformed.

This is what it looks like from up here:
<<If Bush is sooooooo incompetent, what does that make the two guys he

I dunno ... outcompetent?

BTW, here's a thought ....
If something happens to Bush, you've got Dick!
<<Well you should learn some Finnish before say anything>>

Boom! Boom!

Hang on ... he might have a Nokia ... that's a start!
I do (and my first Saab was a Valtab one too). Cheers
JP said:
I hope I didnt offended anyone, this is just my humble personal
opinion and I cant stop wondering is it everything to do with honor
and war or something else. As I see it, Bush is doing nothing right
and seems more of an comedian than serious politician. And for those
who thing I would go for Kerry - well, same to me, if it just wouldnt
be Bush.

Nothing to do with honor and war, Bush got re-elected because of the
Kurt said:
Can't we discuss abortion or religion instead?



Don't forget teaching science in schools, and
also making mandatory the teaching and fostering
of Christianity in public schools.

Looks like now little Johnny is going to have to
learn to pass as Christian so that he doesn't get
ostracized in school, or worse.

Please reply to jsavage"at"airmail.net.
Curse those darned bulk e-mailers!
"Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of
supply and demand. It is the privilege of human beings to
live under the laws of justice and mercy." - Wendell Berry
Did you see two english newspapers who put a front page ad about Bush? First
one said "oh, god" in totally black page and nothing else, the another one
"is this real". I hope this explains something how at least some Europeans
see the whole thing - Bush is really not liked or undestood here..... I
wonder why ;-)
Did you see two english newspapers who put a front
page ad about Bush? First
one said "oh, god" in totally black page and
nothing else, the another one
"is this real". I hope this explains something how
at least some Europeans
see the whole thing - Bush is really not liked
or undestood here..... I
wonder why ;-)

I'm not too fond of that sort of thing. Hate mongering works both ways.

The tragedy is that the other half of America that didn't vote for Bush isn't
liked or understood by him and his constituency, either.

Last time when the Reps lost the popular vote and proceeded to claim the
presidency on a technicality, Bush entered his first term with the promise to
start a process of unification and "healing" among the split nation. His
policies and judicial appointments were in stark contrast to this promise - I
think we're about to see a replay of the same.

JP said:
Sorry but needed to put my finger in to this. What is wrong in USA? If Bush
get elected again, I just wonder are you serious there?
Get lost! This is a Subie NG.

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