Rick said:
And then, it could just be a fluke! Here in SoCal, people used to report
they got much better mileage on Arizona gas when they went to Phoenix
and other cities mid-state or so rather frequently. We don't hear that
story so often any more, though.
Believe me, I've also pondered this quite a bit!
I've done the math right. Either way, I was getting more kms driven on
tanks of american gas than on tanks of Canadian gas. I've done 3
vacation road trips into the US, one in the spring around Easter, and
two just after labour day in September, so I don't think it's the
winter-summer mix changeover. I thought that maybe I was driving more
conservatively to avoid the experience of pissing off a state trooper,
but really I think people drive faster on the US side of the border.
On the I95 it seemed like 130kph(80mph) was too slow!!
The best explanation in my mind is that there is something different
about US gas. And if you do the conversion right, US gas is also quite
a bit cheaper!! Gas here is $1.17cdn per litre, which assuming
3.7l/usg and $0.9cdn/USD = $3.90/usgal.
The other thing that crossed my mind is that maybe the highway surfaces
are better/harder? There seems to be more concrete highways in the
states. Or maybe the higher volume of traffic is creating a draft
situation, where following cars have less air resistance!! Yes, I know
- this is not the Tour de France!!
Anyway, somebody asked if we had higher octane premium fuel here? If
we do it's damn rare. Usually it's 87 - 89 - 91 or maybe 93.