At the risk of seeming vain...

  • Thread starter Carl 1 Lucky Texan
  • Start date
I don't think so. maybe in someone else's car but, nah, I really don't


ordered the velore cover from Pep Boys, and it was a challenge. They
special order it, and I hope they ordered the right one.

The RS looks great - definitely the best body style.
Is there a 'story' behin the busted windshield on that sedan?

We looked long and hard for a decent RS. I wanted to hold out for a
Blue Ridge Pearl sedan, but this one is nice too.... The maroon Legacy
was run up over a Belgian block curb by my son in April when he
swerved to avoid a deer during a Nor'easter. Tore up everything
underneath the car. The windshield was broken by the overhanging
branhc of an ornamental evergreen tree that hit the wiper while it was
in the vertical position (it was raining) and pushed it through the
windshield. Fortunately, neither my son nor his passenger was
hurt..... So we call the RS his 'second first car'!

Dan D
'99 Legacy RS2.5 (son's)
Central NJ USA

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