a question w.r.t my unfortunate situation invovling a car accident

Only losers forge others' addresses. Only losers who don't have a life
and have time to do silly things do such things. And...

....leave my boyfriend alone. I promise you that he would think you are
a very low-minded person.
You never said they'd actually started repairs; had they?
No, From the beginning, I told the person who did paper work and made
me sign about he chips scrath that were not a part of the accident
(which I asked for a copy and receievd it after repeatedly havignt o
ask for it as she tried to fool me - it was unpleasant experience that
tunred me off) to call me when they have an estimate.
Fortunately, when the patrol officer wrote down the report number on a
piece of paper, he also wrote down the address and phone number of his
office. He was very professional and thorough. I let him do his work
and didn't even bother to tell him things like the big brother of the
driver pointing fingers at me yelling "it's your fault", his mother
saying "You have a bad attitude" (which wasn't true; I was just doing
what I was supposed to do to get a police report) while their side
obviously said negative things about me to the officer.

I kind of thought that the report might become ready earlier than I was
told when I called the office yesterday morning. Now, with your
suggestion, I will definitely call a week from now, after Memorial day,
inform the patrol office of my new address and ask for a copy.
Let the insurance co's pro shop do the work. That way, if you're
not satisfied, you've got a leg to stand on--"This is the hop
you recommended to me."

I wouldn't know how to check a good job was done except by basing on
what I was told how repair will be done. I know that the shop would
replace the right front door, and the right fender. I strongly feel
that the bumper should be replaced instead of the current shop wanting
to repair the damage area due to the accident which means applying
paint PARTIALLY. If they change their tune and offer to replace the
bumper in order to keep me, I think I should go for it.

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